40 Dog days of Summer,

40 Dog days of Summer,


Good morning (merry midnight actually 🤫🤣) ! We have come to the dog days again. Does it feel hot and sultry or fever dog catastrophe? I think it will be good. Funny enough I use to literally work with dogs for a living most of my working life, those definitely were the hottest days of the year for sure, lol, and always a catastrophe. It feels so long ago but also like yesterday.

What are you doing to cool offf…

pampered weiner 😂

Good night, I am up again past my bed time…again. I’ll add to this post tomorrow. Hope you enjoyed my random dragon art yesterday!

Good morning, I am up. Here is the space weather today, a G 1.


I just finished up my leg care today and thought I’d show some before and afters of my skin upclose. The first picture is the condition my skin was from January until May the second is up until two weeks ago, (which is about how long I’d been taking manuka honey orally) and the last is how it looks now. It is SO MUCH BETTER!

Feet and ankles are still huge, unsure of the Vicks vapo action, I don’t notice much of anything, not even the smell which I was concerned it would be over powering. I thought it would be cooling, but it isn’t anything. I‘ll continue for a few days I guess, it can’t hurt. Today was the first day I did not feel like I need to hurry up and get socks on before my legs explode. They are on now but it is nice not to be in pain the between process of cleaning up and switching socks. My legs aren’t even throbbing today like they usually do after I do this. I’m pretty stoked about it.

Here is a video for today, raise your vibe with me 😊

If you need any kind of detox, listen to this for 30mins, or while you sleep. Sooo soothing on your system

4:22pm Pleasant pulsations presently consuming my body