4th of July throwbacks
Carolina’s 🦀

4th of July throwbacks


Good morning. As predicted the fireworks were nonstop well past midnight last night. How did I know? I was still awake, I know it is becoming a habit. When I finally got to sleep I had an adventurous dream. When I woke up it feels like I didn’t sleep at all. My eyes are bloodshot, ugh. I suspect the fireworks to go harder into tonight and into Friday and the weekend aswell. You want a spectacular throwback from a past 4th. Brace yourself it is too sexy.

😂 eating grapes and fanning myself with the fly swatter in the OBX.

And another…can’t really tell but in the pic I was pointing to the inner part of my leg that wasn’t tan/burnt while the rest of my body was, it looked really dumb.

So Burnt 🤣, my lips had freckles!

I was usually at this beach during the 4th every year. Where did you go/do? Anywhere/anything? OBX was my happy place, laid back beach towns are great. Unless a hurricane comes, then it sucks!

No idea what is going on here, don’t remember, my lips were burnt
Happy 4th

So yeah those are memories I got, er, some of it I remember, I was really drunk back then 🥴. Think this will be it for the day. Have the most amazing day and I’ll catch you tomorrow. ✌🏻 💋