77 portal

77 portal


Selfcare Sunday and 77 portal. Hold your horses, I’m about to go real deep. I may lose some of you on what the hell I’m talking about. It’s ok. For those that do know, I’m talking to you, I’m here for you and holding your hand.

It is here the merging of the spiritual realm and the 3D. How are you. Everyday will feel more and more weird, get ready if you thought last year was weird, or the year before that. Everytime you go outside and observe the world it will feel more and more fake, everything you see going on in the world. It is time to get into the depths of nature. Time will feel faster, just stay grounded in the shift happening. Think of it as one of those fun conveyor belt things at the airport. If you walk with it, it feels faster, and people not on the belt are going so slow. Just think of the shift like that when you get to the end of the belt and back on solid ground everything is fine, you’ve just upgraded passed the person not on the belt. Way showing ones are here to help people get on and off the belt safely in the forward direction. That is what is happening. Here is the Schumann…from the 4th.

I haven’t gone to sleep yet from Saturday, I observe all my skin is just peeling off, there is a lot of painful red edges around the white light so expect to be agitated in some way. Its not just my legs but everywhere. So yeah , that is extremely high radioactive energy from Sirius atomic shifting. I have started getting itchy about 6-7pm, that was the peak it is now subsided. I’m still going to wait until tomorrow to wash up and moisturize.

I wanted to come on here and explain that if it is happening to you not to panic, it is going to pass, it is part of ascension. This happened to me (I mean for me 🥴 , trying to stay in 5D) during the 55 portal too. It is literally a Phoenix cycle. Why does it keep happening so intensely for me? Not sure, I am rapidly gaining inner wisdom. I do consider myself a starseed at some point in the near past. I was also born in Saturn and Jupiter RX. Saturn Rx births mean you are redoing your last life, you chose to come back and do it again so I think I got a head start this time around maybe starting to remember it, I do have a reincarnation scar on my neck so I have been here at least once before. It sounds like I tend to do things over and over and over 🥴. Jupiter Rx births mean we are free spirited highly spiritual incarnates, that get ourselves stuck in cycles of self sabotage and procrastination. We experience spiritual expansion internally, and Sirius is seriously burning us up from the inside out, it’s a spiritual reset.

I already had a reset and I think this is the aftermath hitting my physical body now. Expect to feel really rejuvenated after this is over maybe in a few days, but it may take until after Lionsgate 88 portal (ugh sorry!). It was intense last year but it will be so much more intense this year due to the solar maximum cycle.

Let’s have a post midnight musical intermission…

Here it comes, can you guess? “Drink water! Ground yourself!”, soak in water, watch your time in the sun and sleep if you can, when you can. Cloak your energy, just because you‘re energy body is buzzing doesn’t mean you necessarily should give it all away, keep some for yourself. I know it’s hard, being in this energetic excess in a tired body, use it to create if you need to move it. The present feels very trippy. You know, it will just keep getting trippier, and you will get used to it. If it feels that way you’re on the right path, you've already made the shift. It just takes some time to adjust to the newness. You will be seeing things differently, auras, colors, our senses will be upgrading. Just have a laugh and shrug it off, the trippy feeling world is the real world we are shifting into. The harsher sharper world as we’ve known is crumbling and becoming very very unappealing. It is due to a little wishful thinking and the collective starts being positively and mindfully using their gifts toward moving toward higher dimensions during this finite life. We are collectively deciding we want better for ourselves and others. This is the week to think about how you want the next six months to go, if you’ve not already. Even if you already integrated the 4th dimension astrals and 5th dimensional archetypes, even if you are an angel shifting celestial embodiment of 6D. It is still good to look ahead as third dimensional human beings. It’s just the higher you go the less you get pulled back into worry and fear, because you understand more.

I won’t tell you what to do if you are now intergrating the over soul higher dimensions. I thank you for your service. I know some of you have, some may even be spending some time amongst the avatars and that is truly amazing mastery pushing human limits. I have been there briefly, I have touched a face, I have seen a blueprint! When I said that one time when I channeled a message of the angels wanting recognition...I understand I missed an important detail. Not the nameless angels that we are becoming. The archangels want recognition, they are here now. So be sure to thank them from the inside for all they do for us, helping us evolve into our soul body. We are still evolving and merging, ever higher. As we do, they take a step back to see what we are capable of. They never felt pain until merging with us and they had to in order to care enough to help us out.

Good morning I am up…ugh.

I had a dream I was in a store that had interactive toothbrushes, they had screens and people were walking around in the mall watching movies on thier toothbrushes instead of phones. I’m thinking is this really necessary? then woke up. Does this already exist? lol.

9:55AM The Schumann today. Hmm, well look at that! 98 amps is pretty high, and the symptoms, what did I say!

I’ll continue writing as the day goes on…self care mindfully today, put some intent into it. In the meantime here’s a music video worth a watch.


Well, I totally forgot until just now I said I’d pull cards. lol. Tomorrow I will. I fell asleep at 4pm until a little after 5pm. I had a really weird dream and also sleep paralysis, I didn’t panic I just went back to sleep and it fixed itself when I woke up again.