Angelshifting: The Stargate
Angelshift: Glitch is the way out of time

Angelshifting: The Stargate

Can you hear the otherworldly bright translucent colors of the 6th dimension? ✨


A new understanding of the how to get to the 6D alternate ‘3D universes’ I talked about in beyond angelshift. Some of us have become the Stargate itself, it is the evolving we are doing now, reaching by the way of meditation and possibly luck, as not everyone can get there from going within yet, or see and hear things stargates can in the material world. I think of this as a burst spiritually that some of us get to recieve this year as a gift for our inner work. Unfortunately, there is a price to this, we are walking targets for those that need healed, but somehow they know we are embodying that energy. Helping everyone will drain you if you are not careful. Whether others do it purposefully or not is not the point, the drain is the same. We need lots of time to recharge ourselves.

So I signed up for this before I was born…ugh, why? I stayed up talking at spirit the other night, a little egoic pity party, it was okay and necessary, I learned a lot. Felt a little sorry for myself at first, so much karma to clear on one side of my energy and my other side of the energy is not permitted to help. It is not fair makes me sad, but there is plenty of dharma in the works. I am learning a lot through soul time, putting the pieces together of who I really am. Or shall I say the goddess that is working or trying to work through me. I was surprised actually but so many clues have surfaced through a revisit to my past this Mercury retrograde when I came to the idea it was like yep that is it! I’ll reveal her before the year is over through art I’ve already created.

Previously in Beyond Angelshift, my dream or mission inter dimensional travels, whatever it was, the entry way to my own stargate, that to remain nameless deity which gave me my blueprint. I never asked for it, I was just given it. I forgot to describe it in my last post. It was slab like, fit in my hand, it was transparent I think it was a crystal and it had symbols (lightcodes) on it that glowed in certain angles, it had ridges. But where is it in this physical 3D plane, I feel like I have to find it. Did I leave it in the 4th dimension? Or an alternative universe, I don’t remember where I last saw it? I have to find it, I think it was a record keeper lumarian quartz, perhaps I needed it to open my stargate, and I left it there at the entryway, which dimension was that? I’m on a quest to find it through someone selling crystals. I’ll recognize it when I see it, I feel my higher self having a little laugh right now, go ahead and laugh you know I will find it!

This high spiritual energy may just balance back out into not much more spiritual growth until the next triple 888 portal in nine years. It is just a feeling I am getting, I could be wrong, this advancement could just as well be the new normal exponentially. This is definitely the Age of Aquarius now, I have little doubt. At this time it is hard for me to see this new pace of growth being sustainable in the human body so much expansion and retraction taking its toll on our bodies we are just going to explode/implode 😉. Eventually our human vessels will be unnecessary and we will carry on without them.

However next year we are still in solar maximum if I understand that right. If so, I think it will be another high energy year in the spiritual sense. September feels like a fresh new start, as the new moon is already upon us (as of 8.28.24) today! This is actually a really positive new moon feel in my opinion. There are things that will trigger all of us in the upcoming months…I don’t know about you but I have been through it already (Saturnrx born), I think I can handle anything the outside world throws at me.

I apologize it took me so long to write this little, I haven’t really a clue how to articulate some of things happening beyond this world. The stargate is you.

Until next time

Listen to this during detoxing