Dawn of a new Era
Serenity ♾️

Dawn of a new Era


This is the beginning of a new era, it has been on the rise this year, the high priestess in you knows it, it has trickled into the 3D can you feel it? Our lives are transforming in the harmonic convergence of the cosmos. You ain’t seen nothing yet.

Aquarius (The star card reminder) says, Don’t forget to make your super blue moon water tonight for your rituals!! Exxxtra potent.


Fairy magic and otherworld gateways are now open

The Oracle reading…will be with you soon check back here 👇🏻 later….

As I said in today’s other post, I would pull a card for the collective from the Urban Crow Oracle. So if you were one that perhaps didn’t get a message in the previous few weeks from a corvid, this message is for you! Of course, you can also add this to your messages, had you been graced with the birds presence as well.

The card is 19. Freedom

Expand your horizons

They are reminding you that you have wings, all you need is the desire and confidence to fly! This card wants you to ask yourself, where in your life are you most looking to expand your freedom? You do not have to stay where you are, change your position and look at things at a different angle.

Below are today’s card lineup…remember it is general collective reading, take what resonates and left the rest. Enjoy!

Just 4 cards today

  1. What is the liminal spirit guiding my collective to the next super full moon in ♓️ (Harvest moon)?

We have the Oak tree, on page (55). The oak tree grows with slow and steady progress. This results in strength and durability. Trust in the progress of what you’ve put your energy into that is presently not looking like much. Don’t overlook the details, those details can become obstacles quick. There is a doorway or opportunity right in-front of you that you haven’t discovered yet. Close your eyes, clear your mind, and let the answers come to you.

You may find a new way to get to the same goal. Keep on the lookout for clues in the physical and other realms. That new way could even have oak in the name. Pay attention to doors in dreams!

  1. What are we letting go of this full moon?

Card 21. Following the path of another

I can see it go either way:

letting go of following the Path of another, or following the path of another to align yourself again.

Have you been waiting for someone to blaze the trail, or are you becoming the wayshower?

In either scenario it is because you are being redirected to where you should be. Either way you have to decide to change based on love, not fear.

Within the framework of your journey, love is all there is. In the dimension of love (5D) you are the creator, you will create what you imagine, so keep your imagination in the aspect of love.

  1. How do we redirect the path to alignment?

Card 34. North Node (Future) gift position

The North node in your birth chart is where your soul longs to be. This is where your life heads into the future when following your heart. I don’t really love ‘fate’ ‘fated‘ it sounds tragic, it is the egoic path, with no free will, falsely believing nothing is in your power at all So why take action at all. When this ‘future’ is the where you want to be, it is destiny, the destined path of the heart/soul path, follow the soul will never misguide you. The trick with the future is to really realize there is no future. Everything is always a process of the now…this moment, however everything created is created in the higher dimensions first out of time and has to trickle down through to the physical plane through time which is why things seem to take ‘time’ in that aspect yes, time is part of the laws of this universe, the universe we ultimately created. But now that you know that, start imagining your future and really feel it emotionally, until it materializes for you. You may have a fated path if you make no conscious moves in your life, but you are never late for destiny, because you are the creator in realtime and we are ultimately infinite (Soul).

New beginnings dawn and your destiny awaits. This path may start out uncertain but it will become more and more solid as you progress.

  1. Where do we meet the future?

Card 38. The bridge

Well, we have already talked about doors, I have already posted about the fairy portal/gates opening today. Now we have the bridge which also symbolizes the gate. Looks like the liminal realm is the way. This is where we connect worlds. Here we are bridging 3D and 5D. You will use your shaman self to link this bridge of love to these worlds.
Rise above and create the flow.

Only connection made with love can withstand the inevitable weather of life 🥹.

Becoming multidimensional

The bridge. This is the new era…

numbers of significance are 3, 5, 11, 34, 38, 55

What a beautiful reading. 🤯 ! Shut up! 🤣 it is so perfectly orchestrated. I’m listening to this 👇🏻 to connect to spirit the whole time. Thanks so much spirit, guides, and my collective‘s spirit teams. Have a beautiful blue moon, connect to your heart spaces. Feel the love there and bring optimism into the future. Divine communication is becoming commonplace.