Art Dump Tuesday
abstract 6th dimensional colors and shapes, feel the calm coolness

Art Dump Tuesday


Good morning, welcome to my Art dump. Thank you for your patience as I took a break for the summer to make room for other things. Now I’m back with consecutive Tuesday posts unless stated at a later date.

I’m spending some time on some physical art pieces now, I think they will have their own separate post. I’m not sure how I want to present that just yet.

So here is a small portion of what I’ve worked on since the last art dump in July. I had just noticed that most of it was fall themed and I couldn’t seem to breakaway from it, so that was where my interest lied and I continued creating from there. You will see some alternate versions of things you’ve already seen before as well In upcoming weeks. So without further delay here is the gallery I hope you enjoy.

I am writing today’s post without coffee 😱! It is taking me forever 😂. There will be a 2-fer post later today after I caffeinate

Thanks for checking it out, this is all I’m showing today. Come to your own conclusions on interpretation. I think that makes art more intriguing. Bye for now.