August Eve
Gimmie treat….now!

August Eve


Well…here we are, the final day of July. Guess I should’ve saved recapping the month for today. I honestly forgot there was 31 days this month until the rent email. lol.

So yeah, what is happening today? I’m getting Qdoba for dinner tonight, that is one thing happening. I think I’m going to have eggs for lunch, I still have some leftover atomic spaghetti too so I have options.

I plan to make August a very art filled month, I’ll call it ‘Art-full August’. If I can fix the lighting and also free my hand of my phone, I will let you all peek in on my creations, via Timelapse videos on IG and FB. I’m wondering if anyone liked the last doodle video? I don’t get many views or likes on stuff I actually want views and likes on. To the few that do I see you and thanks so much, it does really help mentally. Oh boy, I feel a rant coming on, here she goes…

It’s frustrating, because you think your actual real life (not in the creative art field) friends would be supportive of your endeavors, but it’s almost always complete strangers who are.

I try to be supportive to creative friends because I know it’s hard out there when you’re trying to do something, no matter what field you’re in. I feel non artistic friends think differently, like you are being conceited or ‘showing off’, so they start low key hating or something, it’s so weird, lol. It’s not showing off if that is your career path peeps. An artist creates to share themself with the world making it better place, to inspire, to spark that next great idea, it takes a lot of guts to be so vulnerable to criticism. A life without art is not a world I want to live in, do you? I can’t even imagine a life without, paintings, books, music, movies, animation, theater, architecture, body art, jewelry, just to name a few broadly.

How dull and lifeless being here would feel, how bleak and soulless. What would pull us out of our darkness? Just going to our required mechanical robotic 9 to 5 jobs, “yes sir, yes ma’am gimmie more of that overtime”. Just eating your bland oatmeal, in your boring colorless car without music playing, hating life and ready to go home 2 minutes into your shift. No crafts to work on in your free time, or movies or toys for your children. No movies to watch or art museums, or theaters and live music to see on the weekends. Only terror filled news to keep the cortisol spiked and docile punctual little workers doing just enough to not get fired, so they have just enough money to buy only what they need to live to make it to another week and make it to that job they hate where they are known only by their employee number and replaced immediately when they leave or die like they never existed at all. The raindrops on your shoes with your tears, not even allowed to sing the blues, or display truths, and the annoying sound of the alarm clock beeps on, wake up you’re going to be late for work. No just kill me.

A creative trying to advance in life is not an easy route, or for the weak. To tell them to get a real job is a terrible thing to say, many artist have multiple jobs just to feed themselves and not give up hope on creating a life they actually want to be living. If you don’t like our art and it is such a huge part of who we are, do you even like us at all? Why though? Sometimes I wonder.

So from one creative to another, struggling to make it another night, week, month…Do show your work off, believe in yourself, promote yourself, piss people off because you fill thier shitty meaningless feeds with your lovely art work, I love you, I see you, I support your efforts, and your work matters. No likes, no comments, no problem, it adds fuel to the fire, transmute that shit into beauty and keep going with your head up.

We artsy fartsy folk do remember the people who actually had our backs before we were successful, or while having a hardship. Liking our shit, and leaving comments and encouraging words on social media is one means of support which costs nothing. Also shout to the ones who actually buy our stuff or give us money to make our stuff through the likes of YouTube, kickstarter, Etsy or Patreon or something like that we thank you. So to all those people comming to pat us on the back only after making it…saying they always knew we would someday, can go fuck all the way off.

😐😑 the sun in Leo and in Mercury‘s shadow got me feisty for a second…let me gain composure.

Okay back on point, I know it was dark in the monster video, and like the goats doodle, I had to hold my phone the whole time, which hinders the fun for me. I do have a small light that attaches to a kindle that I use occasionally to take photos of my rings for sale on Mercari. I have not bought a ring light yet, mostly because I can’t decide if I want a cheap one so I can get it quicker like tomorrow, or to invest in a better one and get it later. The plant light I have is on a metal stake so I can’t use that really. Yes I still have things for sale, and here is a shameless plug. Have a visit, buy something, get a crystal mushroom freebie and stickers, and a TY card. Soon I‘m planning to include a mini 3“x5” gelli stamp sample painting as well just to promote my art here and there.

This is a screenshot, you can go direct from my social links in my IG and FB profiles. Thank you if you check it out, even if its just looking around.

I’ll be back later, my hangry is showing 😬.

4:37pm (post egg lunch contemplation)

Where have the gargoyles gone? Why is there not a gargoyle on all the rooftops? I need a gargoyle in my apartment…purchased a gargoyle on Etsy. He is on the way. I feel better, So glad I solved that dilemma. I purchased him from an artist!

My gargoyle…what should I name him?


I tried but didn’t succeed, but I only got one. It was delicious, maybe the best one yet at Crumbl. It is called strawberry cake go get it, you won’t regret it.
