😂😂😂 what!?



Good afternoon! I am here, finally…hopefully. It’s been hard staying connected to the internet today. It keeps going out for some reason, and has been super annoying. Also yesterday it went out for a bit.

Tomorrow I will get my leg and back pillow for bed. I’m excited and I hope I can train myself to sleep on my back. At the very least take a day nap here and there with them. The new chair is been kind of a fail unfortunately. It is not that comfortable I don’t think it helps me at all. That sucks! I guess I’ll keep it for now maybe try and sell it before moving out of here. Might be able to put it at storage, it comes apart. Pain in the ass!

One hour later…

Well, I just connected to the internet again. I got the mail and guess what! The pillows came early, I have them decompressing on the couch. They came flat in those vacuum bags, almost full size now. I’m suddenly sleepy.

I’ll be back in a little while…

Watching this


Hello I‘m back for a minute. As I say that the internet goes off again for 10 seconds…what the actual f***! My right shoulder is still clicking. Also my left hip joint hurts. Just an observation, lol, balance right. Today has been good, real good, despite the internet woes. Oak tree spirit has been good to me, I am abundant! For those who were here for my full moon reading, how is the oak tree helping you out? Come into any money you didn’t expect? Something else? Well don’t fret, you still have until the full moon reading coming up, harvest moon! Ships are coming in for everyone. That’s a message from spirit! 😉 Still remember to be financially smart, even if it’s coming in, as Pluto is still in retrograde in Capricorn. Saturn which is in reverse until mid November and is testing you on your ability to do this. That goes for us too cardinal signs (Capricorn Aries Cancer Libra) making sure we learned our financial lessons from the past 15 yrs. Just be aware no need to panic or stress.

I guess I’m going to go and chill for the rest of the night. Trying to be online is making me crazy as it keeps dropping off. I’m already crazy enough at this time…

Good night