En(twin)ed soul

En(twin)ed soul


I meant to have this finished last night,

I am feeling guided to talk real quick about that one spiritual journey people are waking up to. It is just my opinion of a controversial subject, it may trigger some people, it probably means I’m a catalyst to your ascension, sorry and you’re welcome, lol. If you are not feeling like your a soul having a human experience this is not for you. I’m not looking to convert peoples beliefs, this is for people who know what I mean at atleast a year or two in.

I think it is a soothing outlook to what is happening for you. It is as too the point as I can write it, I thought about making it short bullet type writing but changed my mind. I’m talking about that journey… one that is otherworldly. The one that you are the shareholder of the same blueprint soul incarnated in another person…in 3D reality... Yes! That one! Without me even muttering a label. I’ve already mentioned these things in OD I, II, III, and IV, and the tarot counterpart post, but it is a quick condensed version for public consumption. You know it’s still long because I’m not good at summarizing 😂.

I am feeling collective turmoil like never before, because they feel they should be further along again. It feels like both sides of the energy are just holding thier breath, looking around and not knowing what to do anymore. I know that sounds human, I am humanizing the soul visually to be more relatable. Something has to give, go within via the heart space and speak to them now, ask your higher self to send a kiss. Lol. They will get tingly lips or a muscle spasm. Hug them, feel it in your heart being returned to you, it is instant rush of warmth. Send more than that if you feel like it, I will just leave that to the imagination. Get in the right vibration first, you cannot feel your counterpart when you are in low vibration (sad/fear/anger) you must rise to the vibration of the heart to communicate. You may pick up their low vibes still if you are in high vibration when they are not.

I may never write about this again, it isn’t necessary, because everything about the journey is a you job. If you are taking care of you (mind/body and soul) that is all you gotta do.

The reason it feels hard is because you are putting the other one outside of yourself ‘on a pedestal’, instead put yourself on the pedestal. I get it, because I feel it too from time to time, the reason you feel that way is because your brain is still convincing you they are separate from you. Ultimately they are not separate from you, at the core of your being, every second of your life you’ve lived until now they’ve been with you because they are you! Whether the 3 D person interacts as that it does not really matter to be in union with self.  Same blueprint soul, the soul is the true blue you formless and limitless. The human flesh person, is not the exact same but are similar in aspects. The more aware they become the closer your physical (outer union) connection gets. You reach out to them from the inside. The communication is telepathic and energetic. It matters NOT if they are 10,000mi away or sitting next to you in the same room. If you’ve met in the physical or haven’t it is irrelevant. It is time to meet yourself from within. They are energetically always with you, they cannot separate themself from you or you them, cord cutting doesn’t apply to this particular divine union, and no outside force can separate you, not even death. All it takes to be in union is to know they reside in you, that is it! It isn’t even a karmic connection even though they been with you in past lives cycles, they are you so of course they were there.

The soul journey, the you journey, the identical blueprint soul journey, is an inside journey.  When it comes to the 3D connection, be happy, care about yourself, heal yourself by developing your own spiritual gifts intentionally. If you know them be nice, they feel you from the inside out. You may not feel the same thing at the same time, but when you do, oooh you really do! You are not rivals EVER…you are allies. The other may trigger you in certain ways for growth because you are mirrors and part human, but it’s never a competition or ill willed and hardly ever on purpose. Treating yourself well also heals them, that is a Good Samaritan act towards the other you.  It’s not a relationship you love to hate that is a karmic connection, but yes it can be playful banter I mean this life is supposed to be fun, comfortable, and electric. They are a divine mirror to show you to love yourself.

This connection is beyond this dimension, it is too big to hold in 3D alone. So if you cut 3D ties you are still connected in higher dimensions, don’t cut ties, just don’t, if you love yourself and you do! Then don’t. If you do right by yourself it will pull them toward you in divine timing. If you feel burdened and bad about this connection from the outside it is not what you think, get out of your head. You will never feel that way for long toward your person unless you are still operating from, and treating this like a conventional relationship involving dating, and marriage, kids, and just cutesy romantic stuff…while that is great that is more a soulmate, the classic feel good connection most everyone aims for. No matter what you are doing in the 3D, you are also on a soul mission with the other you in multiple dimensions. It is not a relationship of pettiness involving any ill will or revenge type behavior or actual physical abuse. That would be a karmic relationship, the “I love you, I hate you“ a fizzling firey yoyo connection is NOT it. The entwined connection is an eternal flame that doesn’t go out. Divine connections come in when they are supposed to you don’t pick it, your higher self did. Triggers they pull may bring out all your demons to deal with but they do not do that on purpose, and you don’t take it out on them, it is to aid in soul growth.

If you are in a divine partnership recognized in the 3D in any way (same blueprint) you are not in separation anytime the other one goes anywhere or is away in any way, nor are you in separation if you’ve never met and just talk time to time in some way. You know why? Because separation is an illusion, you are connected at the quantum level. You have to keep reminding your 3D self of that if you miss them, but the logical brain has a hard time with that. This is not deluding yourself, actually the delusion is thinking the opposite. It is a hard rewiring of your system, but the more aware of that truth, the better you’ll feel, and in turn the better they will also feel on the energetic strings attached. If that makes sense. You’re already in inner union or reunion because you’ve never been separated at the core and you’ve realized that. Much love to everyone. The more outside yourself you look, the further away you get from yourself. 

This doesn’t mean don’t think about them, first of all it is impossible, and that is resistance, creating persistence which will drive you batshit insane! Eventually you’ll get a handle on the thoughts and it will feel more, sweet. You will care more and more but it will balance out. You can’t help but think about them, just face it, accept it and it will be easier to get through your day. You never go a day without thinking of them, if you do or can and your being honest then that person is not your twin, shit I said the dreaded label.

Now knowing what I’ve just said, you now know how to find happiness. It does not  revolve around another being, it will loop you on an endless path of lack. It is solely up to you to be happy.  Then once you’ve done some shadow work cleaning up the corners and floor boards of your own life, then you can go add to other people’s happiness. Including that other you! Their higher self loves you so much in higher dimensions, whether it has dawned on the other in 3D yet, it trickles from the higher self down eventually. Divine Masculine will have the ah ha moment. Feminines you cannot do the work for him he has to go through his own fire. Just act surprised when he lets you in on it.

If you’re wondering if I’m your _____? I’m more than likely not, there is only one same blueprint person, and it becomes a knowing by the feminine counterpart who it is, I am the feminine in my connection…and it isn’t a long lost childhood friend, that is not this journey, that could be a soulmate. Same blueprint person is a divine timing bizarre encounter of some sort midway through life, that usually starts in a dream and materializes into the physical and it can be an internet interaction, it is part of the material world, soul recognition is in the eyes that starts it all.

With that said, if it hurts you or makes you feel bad to look at me, I am not for you. If you are jealous or envious of me, I am not for you.  If you don’t want what is the best for me with or without you, I am not for you. My presence should make you feel good, lit up, empowered and good about yourself if we are a divine connection. Soulmates are a plenty and come in all shapes and sizes of the part they play in our lives, a reason, season, or lifetime.

A lot of the times someone will be attracted to just the divine in another mistaking that person as their twin.  I try to see all people with my soul, divine connections are the only connections I wish to keep. Do I keep you? Deep down you’ll know if I keep you, but you are always free to go, I don’t force connection. If so it is a divine soulmate connection of some sort, maybe a kindred spirit of friendship. I keep VERY few, most people happen to be related family, but my family is small. I could count all my divine connections on my fingers, I have always been that way, I’m not flaky or superficial and prefer lifetime easy going people. My (soul tribe circle) is very small and important but open to slowly growing. Even though I thrive in solitude.

With that said, we are all connected eventually to some degree, this is why we feel collective pain. Learn to discern your energy/ and counterparts energy from the collective energy so you observe instead of drown in other peoples emotions. I always wish everyone and I mean everyone, the best possible outcome of their lives.

Do not force connection, attract, and be good to yourself!! Choosing yourself, is choosing your twin.

Much love to all, this my last post on the subject, it is a YOU journey. Inner feminine and masculine union. Time and space can‘t keep you apart.

Enjoy the video, it’s so beautiful. It literally feels this like this on the inside when you are doing the work on alignment of self, enjoy those briefly illuminated aligned moments they are 🦋🦋🦋🦋.
