Final days…
I threw down the papasan cushion for her with her blanket. She has been preferring it over the couch that was pushed into replace the teal one in the main room. Laying amongst boxes.

Final days…

Good morning, I got some finishing touches later this afternoon to do. I‘m moving all my small succulents into a large pot for travel so I can pack the small pots back into their original boxes with the styrofoam. Not really fun doing in the house but I think it’s going to be worth it. Did a really long meditation today to start off the day. Also did my lymph node massage. I usually do it at night but I reversed it today. My head feels heavy so I focused on the ones in the jawline and neck and back of the neck and the main ones that get sore right under the armpits. Feeling not so heavy now. Not bad sleep but it didn’t feel as restful upon waking, I guess that’s to be expected. I’m going to do my last manicure of the year today, I’m just going with Black because it looks good with everything…simplicity.

As you could probably tell I didn’t get around to a video at Christmas like I wanted to do. It’s possible I’ll find time before new years but don’t hold me to it, I’ve been so tired. I will try. Here’s a gallery of randomness. Enjoy!