Friday 🥳
So here is the beebop that went MIA yesterday, inner child, that’s funny actually, she ran away, but came back, she always comes back

Friday 🥳


Happy Friday. I woke up feeling amazingly refreshed! Definitely as if a weight has been lifted off of me. Getting back on track after so much excess. Also getting back on track practicing my divination a little bit. I am thankful for all the little things such as my crystals and incense, anointing new and older crystals with my Frida perfume sample. I have some other small samples somewhere, I don’t think they are labeled though. I’d have to guess which ones they are. I’m just enjoying what I have. I have been collecting beebops for awhile now, I buy one of each of the ones I don’t have that are in stock when I make an order there. Looking forward to all the starseeds being in stock someday, Lyran was the only one right now, and also want the rest of the zodiacs and Fire and Water elementals. I wish I could make them myself. I always wanted to take a glassblowing course and never did, I don’t have the physical strength at this moment, but it’s still something that piques my interest. This isn’t glass blowing I don’t think, it might be something I could possibly make. Ya know, like those resin witch runes I keep saying I’m going to make…

My gargoyle has shipped 😆. I haven’t named him yet, one name keeps popping into my head which will probably be it if nothing else comes to mind Because it obviously wants this name. I would take it has a divine or devious sign, lol. I’ll ask him when he gets here. We will unbox him together on a blog post.

I’ll be back after lunch, it cooled down significantly overnight only in the 70’s today, wet and dreary out. Be back.


I am back, I finished leftover Qdoba for lunch today. I tweaked my order to ‘healthier’ (no dairy) which made it much more boring. My order normally is create my own bowl: Cilantro rice, black and pinto beans mix, guacamole, stir fried veg, corn, pico, diablo queso, pickled jalapenos and onions. I didn’t realize how important diablo queso was to my order, sometimes I get cheese but it never really makes or breaks the tastiness. I think next time I’ll just get a side of queso so I can have some control on the amount I eat, and not be deprived. Otherwise they liberally saturate the whole bowl which is delicious…but overkill. I buy my own tortilla chips so I can make sure they are folic acid free. I try to buy blue corn as well, I like Xochitl and Siete brands best.

I’m going to set up for my Oracle reading now. I’ll do it on a new post. Doing a voice recording to name the crystals and beebops present rather than write it all down. I have no idea what I’ll name the post yet. I’m adding my temporary tattoos to my hands now. I love these! Check back for the reading around 5pm central, that should be enough time. See ya there. Byeeeeeeee….🤪

The temp tattoos