Good omen šŸ°
Spirit guide

Good omen šŸ°


L šŸ‘€k!! Who visited me today, a big bunneh. Why is it significant? He was standing on his back legs infront of the mailboxesā€¦so that is a message.

Saying youā€™ve got mail? Lol

It solidifies my moving here, despite how hard it was, to get here, and how much physical recovery time Iā€™ve lost and then accumulated again, he is showing me it was the way. My leap will pay off, and I just feel so protected, even when it hasnā€™t looked that way in the material. Thank you for protecting me on my journey. Iā€™m truly blessed.

Hereā€™s the reminder of the art I created after going within for ā€˜wise councilā€™ about a leap back on 11.8.23. This is an amazing solid confirmation, and trust me Iā€™ve had my doubts.