Holy Heat wave
Monday nap 💤

Holy Heat wave


Good afternoon. I’m like “damn it’s hot!”, as I am currently washing black blankets and it is 99 degrees outside 😂. I should’ve waited until evening. Oops! I just knew I needed it done and wanted it done before it got even hotter.

I have had sporadic sleep since midnight. I feel good now, like I caught up. Well, we shall see, listening to my playlist ‘Rise’ on Spotify right now, check it out if you like, it’s…pretty. I wish I could move songs around after the fact but it doesn’t let you. Maybe if you have a premium account, I do not. So you have to remove them then re add in order you want, huge pain, I don’t have the patience for that 😆. I’ll be making another playlist soon I‘m calling Descend which will hold my darker and heavier loved songs.

Anyways, I am about to order that chair I spoke about previously, I’d like to have it before August is over. I just need to look at it’s measurements and compare to measurements of a few things first to make sure I can even get it in the front door…that’s kind of important. I wish the one I wanted was in a dark grey but it is only available in a light almost white gray. I spend most of time sitting in a wicker chair and that gets old. While wicker is light and easy to move around, I would like to be able to get my legs up higher and recline at the same time occasionally without going to bed.

I see that the preview of Starbucks fall menu came out so I’ll post it for those who care. I love the stupid pumpkin cream cheese muffin. I’m sure I’ll get it at least once and try a new drink. I’m not pumpkin crazy though it’s okay, but the apple crisp drinks sound interesting. Salted pecan sounds good too.

I am having a hard time lately stomaching coffee, it is so acidic I can’t finish a cup. I have oat milk and cool whip in the fridge, but both of those things are acidic. The only sweetener I use in stuff is monk fruit which is super healthy for the liver and doesn’t spike blood sugar but it is…yep acidic. That is where real dairy is helpful but I rarely keep it besides cheese. I take manuka honey but I just do it on a spoon at lunch. Besides, adding honey to hot things destroys the benefits. I think that’s why I want bone broth afterwards it’s alkaline and sometimes I have carrot juice also alkaline. I have an alkaline water pitcher but I don’t think it is enough to neutralize coffee, I think the alkaline part of the filter doesn’t last that long either, it just becomes a regular water filter. When it is new for the first few weeks it makes the coffee fizzy, that is electric coffee! I really need to switch back to mushroom coffee, and coconut creamer. I say it, and know it, but do I do it? lol. No!

I‘ll be posting that post I’ve been working on since the 8th late tonight. Keep an eye out for it. It really isn’t a new topic but more of a summarized version of my ‘Our divinity’ posts I’ll keep public. That concludes my interpretation/opinion and I think it may bring relief and understanding to whom may just be starting to awaken to their own journeys. I have no reason to continue talking about it I’m aware and accept my place in existence and the constant unfolding of change and growth.

I just need to read it over again, this editor changes my words a lot as I type as it is translating to English from I think Mandarin, and I have to go back and fix. I don’t catch it all before publishing most of time which is heavy petting my peeves. Most the time it changes words hilariously though, so I have that. So if there is a grammatical error…yeah, I know it happens.

Todays space weather another x flare…

Alright I’m a signing off here on that note, for a while or for the day. I haven’t decided. Take care, have a good Monday, and I’ll be back soon.

What! Who’s heard of this? 😳… fuck