Hotter than hell Monday
For real though

Hotter than hell Monday


Oh look at the date…third time this month. 666! It’s a charm

Holy fucking MOLY, get the guacamole 😂! So, I usually recap the month at the end but, let me just recap what has already happened. It’s hard to wrap my head around it.

First of all today in my world it is a nice fuck all +100 temperature, with a dew point side of soup air.

Let’s see…where to start. Well first we had…

I’ll summarize each week- warning I’m bad at summarizing 🤣


1st started the week with 3x flares in (24hrs!) May closed off with a cosmic bang apparently. I mean…I felt it 😂. That was my day of throat chakra purging, and extreme buzzing/pulsing/throbbing hands and feet, and basically whole body up to the throat. I take that as the upgrade of the week. I got creative with ink that day to move the energy around. I was a little irritable the next day which carried into the next day, I kept transmuting the energy into art, light codes came in for 8 hours followed by a 21 hour blackout had a huge craving for strawberries and red colored things, reminding me to ground myself as light codes come in. The next day I felt the need to retract my social media presence, and embrace creative solitude. I talked about astral/obe experience. New moon in ♊️ energy coming in made me feel online presence burnout. 66 portal a day of pulling my energy back and actually shielding myself from others as to not absorb any outside negative energy. The first of 3 ‘666’ days in June. Started my 🩸, took it easy until the 9th, decided to work on my throat chakra reciting poems and sensual art. Next day a G2 storm and shockwave, felt I needed to pep talk my cardinal signs to remind them how badass they are, and nurture the fixed signs. Took the 8th offline.


9-11th- short deep naps, selfcare, integrating the shifts. 12th- sleepless, internet out overnight, felt like sharing past stuff like stories and music, day sleeping, 13 weird weather, a stagnant quiet calmness then a heatwave hailstorm. A subtle heartache, physical need for a hug. Realized I needed to meditate on the heart chakra. Felt more swollen than usual in the feet and legs. Itchy. Chills. Which are divine messages 14th-Power Nap, later intense sacral upgrade buzzing for hours like 5 1/2 hrs or something. 15th- Buzzing again in the AM on and off, body felt amazing in general, the second ‘666’ day of June, on a (Saturn day) enjoyed eating that day.

16th-22nd and 23rd

16th-creative burst, Halloween costume creating and talking, thoughts, overall, fun mood. Feeling strong. Lightcodes incoming for 10 hours. 17th- heart pounding at (7:30ish pm) as if I was scared of something, still don’t know what it was about. Otherwise felt no blockages in my body and surging energy from another 13 hours of incoming lightcodes left me sleepless again. Revisited old music, talked about angels. 18th- productive then crashed a little on this day that felt slowed down, as about 18 more hours of lightcodes came in. So much incoming light to work through you can’t rest and recover. Got a phone call at an unusual hour and it was about my dad’s dog passing. I now knew the heart pounding was my ability to feel something before it happened, but not knowing what it was exactly until afterwards. More sleep deprivation. 18-19th completely delirious from lack of sleep and everything was funny and then it was boom smacked with peak ovulation. Which if you don’t know makes you feel very emotionally unstable. Your boobs hurt and feels like needles are jabbing your cervix. But it’s the one time of the month that you feel like a goddess for real, 10x the intensity when your kundalini is awake 😳. You cry at anything, and people want to help you, lol. 20th So for me the solstice gateway brought a surge of energy and oneness after a pretty much sleepless night due to internet going out. Making me tired and wired, but I was not in a bad mood. I had just enough sleep (about 4hrs) to be okay, a M5 solar flare happened, and I had a huge creative evening. 21st- Capricorn full moon comes, super delicious food day for me, I knew what the focus was I took care of myself, I knew I would cry at some point to release which was on 22nd- actually when I pulled up some past me stuff to the surface to be released. 23rd-An M9 flare came through, 3 hrs of light codes incoming, followed by a 17hr blackout, it brought energy for more art and clarity on some things I’ve been working through. I have lots of things on my mind right now.

Now we are at the 3rd ‘666’ day of the month. I will let the day pass before I decided how I feel about it.

I feel guided to remind everyone currently in fast moving energy in the material world especially divine feminine collective to take great care of your body now, this energy will be a little more draining on you than you realize if not paying attention. The divine masculines are feeling more energized since the solstice portal. It doesn’t mean they feel great, just more capable of dealing with things than before the solstice, could be irritable, I can’t really feel that though. All I am really feeling is hot, so I imagine everyone else is too. Get some ice cream or slushie drinks. Go inside and turn off the lights for a while. Nap…as in sleep!

Remember the highest vibration is sitting in stillness as much as possible. Hydrate and nourish. The amount of things happening on your inner journey may not match what is happening outside yourself, everything is hot as hell right now. You are doing a lot more than can be seen with eyes, and you don’t have to prove it to anyone. If you could sit in water that would be great, run through a sprinkler, walk through salt water even better. Bye for now.

Omg it’s 3pm already…but I went to sleep at 3am though 😵, got up at 7am.


Back again, just wanted to say real quick, it’s hard to believe but, I got a lot of clarity on the soul journey. I say this a lot however, we are all much further along than we thought. We are all moving collectively forward of course, more of us than I thought are definitely encompassing the 4th and 5th dimension and living life in balance of those layers. Then many are in the 6th dimension, many have been but didn’t know it yet. I am where I am at any certain time because it is where I am to be to do this work.

More are passing into 7th, 8th, and 9th dimension, however brief they are getting there and back again. I see them pass like cars on a freeway to parallel coordinating worlds. Remember my dream of being in the Indian Ocean? It wasn’t ’here’. This is where the soul journey changes…I’m going to leave it there and start writing the post, it may not be finished today. Sorry. I think I’ll call it either The deeper look pt.2 following my soul journey astrological talk, or Beyond Angel shift following my first post on soul embodiment, which ever makes sense after I’m done. So be on the lookout for that. I do this for free, because I feel it’s the right thing to do, this is my soul work. If you are here, then you are one who needs to know these things, for reasons only you’ll understand. TimeLESS. Of course. Bye!✌🏻