How are you?
🤣 I was really going through it

How are you?


“Who me? I literally have no idea”. I am quite a bit better today than I was today four years ago, but aren’t we all? I do hope so. I wish I could jump for joy but my feet would explode. Not joking. They were so hot last night I really need those freezer boots I didn’t order yet.

So to ignore the pain I stayed up into the wee hours making pretty photo enhancements. I’d love to show…but…I guess I’m going to…hold back. Unless want to see, seems to be some static in our connection but send it to my brain or something.


Just finished some leftovers for lunch and got off the phone with my mom. She seems in good spirits. Where was I, oh god the Schumann today 😱. Just look! Going through my ascension help youtube playlist for a pick me up.

Looks like fun time, full of up late thirst and hunger, oh and pain. The price for spiritual knowledge 😂, and I thought it was just hump day. I really look forward to summer being over, not going to lie. I’m just not a summer girl, I tried to fake it, if it’s not desert summer I don’t want it, lol. Maybe it’s just my current latitude bringing me down. Although it looks like my south TX destination is getting hit by a hurricane too, ugh.

I guess I should meditate or something, I feel a little off. I’ll be back later if anything interesting happens. Until then have an excellent afternoon, say a prayer for my 👣 .


I am SO physically hot right now. 🥵🤢. Just ahhh. Holy

A members only post is now public…which one? You have 6 hrs to find and read it. Good luck, and good night.

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