Guilty pleasures, apathy, and temperance

Guilty pleasures, apathy, and temperance


Welcome all I’m just getting stuff ready for the reading. I‘ve already done my manicure.

🤩 🦊 🔥

I’m choosing crystals and beebops and anointing them with dragon rider perfume. Next I’ll be picking my jewelry, and figure out if I want to add anything to the tops of my hands or not. You guys I had to take a nap after eating that fish truck food. I got so tired and I have been having this full body energy wave. It literally feels like I‘m floating swaying in the water being pulled by moon. It isn’t uncomfortable it’s nice I don’t know how to describe it, kind of hypnotic.

Okay I picked my jewelry, my regular silver daily rings and my luck moon rituals and two moonrise rings that look red in the flash. and my black moonstone moon and ruby eye pendants.

I have meditated today, a lot. All I have out is a green candle so it will have to do, that I intend to incorporate the heart chakra. I’ll bring my goat over to represent Aries.

To enhance the mood, adding lighting from my led light.

This moon is effecting us all in different ways, mixing water (emotion) with fire (action). Cardinal signs will get the brunt of it as usual lately. With Mars in Cancer, Pluto in the 29th degree of Capricorn there is tense energy with the urge to transform realities. Chiron (wounded warrior/ your core wound in this life) is also in the mix so you would have see your own charts to find out what that means for you.

Tonight I want to incorporate the Santa Muerte decks, urban crow, liminal spirits, and a soul lesson. So just five cards tonight. This is a collective reading, so take what resonates, and throw out the rest. If none of it resonates that is normal and fine as it is general. Maybe next time. Let’s get into it. I’m getting some chills.

The setup and the cards: 6 cards wanted to come out….

1.) The liminal spirit guide until the next full moon is the moth. The moths wing brings on change, transformation, secrecy, a psychic development. Moth spirit warns to be careful of false lights that can distract you from your goals. He warns of the little things that add up if left unchecked, for they can cause a great deal of damage if unpacked all at once. New found freedom can feel amazing but remember new wings need time to dry and build strength. Temperance is vital.

2.) what is the mindset are we releasing with the full moon. * look the fox on the card is the liminal spirit we say goodbye today to welcome the moth!

Card 47 Survival Mode

We are letting go of feeling restricted in our lives. What is holding you down keeping you unable to move? Are you moving a little, doing your best to find a path out of a situation? The Creative mind is limited when the focus is on escaping difficulty. We don’t think about the future opportunities, we only think about release of immediate pain. It is a hard mindset we are now releasing ourselves from it, you will feel it as we move out of the full moon energy in three days.

3.) Soul lessons guilt and happiness. Hmm. Do you feel guilty about something that makes you happy? A guilty pleasure…don’t we all? Sounds like shadow work time. Figure out the why and find the relevance or irrelevance of that. Then change your vibration to see it in a higher light before giving up on something that makes you happy. Release your guilt, your are on the right path after all.

4.) This next card is a message that the dead most want you to know right now. This will be from the first person you think of, I am not able to tell you who it is because it is a collective message so it is at your own discretion.

Card 19 Memory

Take Advantage of the reserve of culture and experience that the people before us have accumulated.

So take some time and reflect on your deceased persons, what you’ve learned and been handed down can be useful in your life now.

5.) clarifying the memory card

Four of cups. 😂 you don’t wanna! You find reflecting on your deceased persons too boring? Well, they really want you to because there is something very important in it for your future. Meditation is key here.

numbers of importance are 1, 11, 19 and 47.

So this concludes the reading tonight, I hope it was insightful and I apologize it’s so late 9:15 pm central on the clock…goodnight.

Had to come back and post a song in my head for soul lesson question