I’m back
A piece of 'Theta States' animation from yesterday

I’m back

Hello, I think I may try to come here and write everyday to get my $ worth out of the blog. Just another random entry about nothing really but how my day went.  I did have a moment of extreme sadness yesterday as I ended the blog entry. I just let it hit me and pass not really knowing why it happened. Then I went into meditation for awhile and came out feeling better slightly, not with any answers, and I was on the verge all day of crying more. So decided to loose myself in animation, not that bad of a distraction really.  I’ll show what I created next Tuesday.  This morning I woke up with a slight headache and my right eye is watering a little.  I come to realize I should get another journal just for accessing how I’m feeling throughout the day. So I can determine if it is related to deficiency or if it is Ascension symptoms…yes I think it can be both.

Yesterday for lunch I made a Spinach pizza with a vegetable crust. It was a premade pizza but I add sautéed veggies and that took it to a new level. I got a veggie crust because I’m trying to be mindful of added folic acid to packaged food. Being veggie crust eliminates that and it was great, crunchy and flavorful.  I added side marinara but it wasn’t necessary it was pretty small but I ate half yesterday and half today for lunch. Then last night I caved and had Panda Express. I had sesame chicken breast and super greens and white rice but I tried to barely eat the rice because I’m sure it is enriched.  I feel great today, so it must have been fine. At least it was in the evening well away from my vitamin so it wouldn’t react as much anyway. Below is my pizza and my fortune from dinner. I only just started making the overnight oats I talked about before, I couldn’t find hemp milk but I found cashew milk which I never had before. I love it, has the milky texture, to me it tastes like skim milk after soaking cheerios in it for awhile 😆. I finished my strawberries and I’m going to start buying frozen mixed berries, they can be frozen because they will thaw out overnight. I haven’t tried cashew milk in anything hot, I do not like almond milk in hot things because I feel it gets really bitter. Maybe I’ll try it tomorrow in coffee just to see what it’s like.

I purchased a new oracle deck this week, but I won’t get it in time for this Sunday oracle reading unfortunately. So, I’ll probably do my Oracle reading the next week on Saturday or sooner, because of Sunday being Fathers Day. We shall see.

I also have a new little air element divinity tool, its so cute.  A ball toy for Chimmie since she’s not gotten anything fun since Christmas, and she only got one thing for Christmas, but man she loves her 🍓! I also got some more envelopes and address labels for Mercari sales which are pretty regular which is cool. It helps with paying for things like I wrote above, or for other things on Mercari, or a little extra on a credit card payment.

Waiting for my new ball like 😐

Well, that is all I got. Checkout my Mercari store if interested. Just go to the website and search 'mzfantasia' from there and it will take you to my page. I sell mostly jewelry but some other things pop in from time to time. I'm off to pick out a new journal because three isn’t enough 😂. Well, I really only use the writual planner. I just read the 369 journal I couldn’t bare to write in it. Infact, I may sell it since I'm done reading it. My wreck this journal is now full so I'm done with it. Have a wonderful Thursday and I shall be back tomorrow.