I’m in Creature mode
😈 he’s here…

I’m in Creature mode


Monday is it? Indeed. Darklord Moonglow has arrived safely to his new home. He glows in the dark mwahaha. 😂. Anyways, what else…oh, doing a pasta bake today.…I think. If not today then tomorrow. The last pasta bake I completely forgot to add the Asiago cheese wedge I bought 🙄, so this will be my redo. Funny thing here I don’t have many things to watch on tv, so I have been going back in time thru episodes of Cheers lately just while I eat dinner. I just saw an episode where Norm’s nickname in high school was ‘Moonglow‘ and I can’t unhear it. So these are like the Norm and Cliff of kreeptures to me 🤣.

Awe friends 🖤
I saw this last night at 11:11pm and glanced at the hearts at 665 😳 I couldn’t resist, I hit the button 666 🤣

I feel alright today, no more headache. I ate a steak salad for dinner and a few hours later I felt better. I didn’t sleep much though, I lost track time as I was working on digital art. Also listening to some new (to me) music that was so good I had to buy the discography on bandcamp, lol. I think it might have been 2am when I fell asleep. I know this isn’t that good for me longterm but I can’t help it much. I have no sun facing windows here so my body doesn’t know what the f***.

Leftover Qdoba from the other day for lunch

I’m watching Nobody’s Wolf Child videos right now, ”shit that’s good! Damn that’s fresh!“ 😂. Now having seen this, one of my Halloween costumes just got nixed. I always wanted to merge red riding hood and the wolf, with like a bloody picnic basket full of bones and body parts. I had my eyes on that big grin tooth mask like she has here. O’well. I do have my own wolf costume, so it has already been done by me too. I called it little bad wolf priestess instead of big because I’m only 5’2 . I did that in 2015. I’ll insert a pic collage, I was blonde then. Yes this hooded velvet contraption is still in my costume box, and the wolf hat made by Jen of ‘Morphe’ on Etsy as well . I like to keep all costume pieces and mix it up and create new looks. So one year I was a vampire (2003) and then wolf priestess (2015) I may find another look this year to go with the velvet cloak who knows. At the end separately is a new digital ART sexy version, it is a little…risqué, haha. I wish there was a way to make the picture with a discretion veil so you have click on it to see it instead. O’well, don’t look at it if it bothers you in a negative way.

I don’t have time for people pleasing in my own blog space, I won’t walk on eggshells about how I look. If that is how someone wants to spend their time I guess be offended, lol, but away from me. Like some people hate my nose ring and are SO mean like get over it, it’s not your face, I like it. “You‘d be prettier if…yeah yeah okay thanks so much for bringing that to my attention, when I never even asked your opinion 🙄.“ Someone close to me even told me, don’t give me anymore pictures of you with that thing in your nose 😮, in my head I was like oh okay, how about no more pictures then Ever! Wow, I would never NEVER say anything like that to someone. It baffles my mind how someone could, haters gonna hate on something when they can’t find any other flaws. Weird. I think it’s the equivalent of saying to someone wearing glasses, can you just send me pictures of you when you wear contacts, because I don’t like glasses, or hey, never send me any pictures of you with your hair curly because it looks better straight 😂, I mean…WHAT?! Your gonna be lucky if you ever see me again, bunch of assholes. Anyways, lol, here’s my gallery, these are very small pixely versions, I apologize but I only have so much storage space on this platform. I took these with a ‘real‘ camera, a Panasonic lumix 16x.

2024 (44yrs) inspo from the last photo in above gallery

and here is a video from Nobody’s wolf child, mind you…I love all kinds of music. If you hadn’t noticed. This is killer! I love the devious laughing. this really puts me in fall season. You da big bad wolf girl! I am an itty bitty one…an ankle biter 😂.

