Imagine that

Imagine that


I have done so much today and it is only 2:48pm. The time is crawling. I don’t mind though, I‘m feeling good. I guess it is a day closer to the longest day of the year. Can you imagine living in the arctic where the sun never sets? That would be so hard to get used to, or when the sun doesn’t rise for months, I could handle that better probably 😂 if I could hibernate with fire and be buried in blankets and snacks and…

This is nice 😴 I love overnight rain, come lay down

There my brain goes wandering off. I guess I should come up with some new topics of conversation. What would one want to know? Real life (3D) stuff, memory lane stuff, art stuff, astrology, dreams I’ve had, metaphysical stuff, music, books, movies…

I think I may go take a quick nap be back maybe later.
Oh! Lol. About last night and today 👇🏻