Full πŸ“ πŸŒ• in ♑️

Full πŸ“ πŸŒ• in ♑️


Strawberry Moon is the first harvest of the year, and peak of strawberry season.

Good Morning! Yes I went to sleep eventually, after I had my fill of listening to music watching the cat gif dance to the songs, while I laughed until I got tired enough. I’m not really feeling up to, individual signs or cards today. My apologies, have this general outline instead.

Do you have the wired but tired feeling too? It is the energies of the sun and moon right now. Mom and dad of the zodiac are working together to make sure you get serious about your mental and physical and financial health. The sun is a super charged fire energy currently in Cancer, wanting you to burn through and release your excess emotional energy. But the full moon being in Capricorn an earth sign, is like wait, will you take a break, sit down, slooow down! Capricorn asks you to connect to your material world physical body, pause and reflect. Health emphasis on nerves, bones, and teeth. Today is a nervous system reset, no matter what the Sun energy is making you feel. Be good to your body. Be emotional as you need to be. Any emotions that come to the surface must be realized and then released at this time. You will probably cry at some point today, or the next three days, tears are cleansing your own system. Don’t resist, let it fall or you’ll get sick. I’m not picking on you Cancer suns, I am a Cancer rising I know what you go through.

Root, sacral, and solar chakras are in focus today, do earthing things. Both the sun and moon energy urges you to go outside if possible. Bare your feet, legs, arms, hands and face to the sun for at least 20 minutes, can be indirect like shaded areas, anything nature is good, sit on the ground, do leisurely things during the day. Have a percussion massage. Bonfire nights are in full swing if you can do that. Get in the water in the sun it would be very soothing. Hydrate and nourish yourself. Listen to drums. Black and red crystals for grounding and protection, clear and yellow crystals for absorption of sun energy.

This moon until the new moon will have you focusing on your career, and how to get where you want to go. Lol, I just heard β€˜mind on my money and money on my mind’. That could be true. Just be smart with your money at this time. Stay vibrating in abundance and not in lack. Positive thoughts!

Okay, I think this should do it. Have a most excellent day/night. ❀️

Profound revelations are coming in at the speed of light through conscious acceleration, to our souls journey...