🦌 🌕 in ♑️ ✨

🦌 🌕 in ♑️ ✨


Good afternoon everyone. I am starting later than I had anticipated on this reading but, I am here now, awake, fed and in good spirits.

I was guided to only use four decks today, so it will be a quicker reading. I have shuffled and meditated on the cards. As always take what resonates, and discard the rest, it is a general collective reading. Oh, and welcome Leo season, I don’t think I’ve said that yet. How are my Lions doing? Happy birthday.

Currently listening to crown chakra frequencies to tap into spirit easier. I have a little piggy watcher and Chimmie is calmly charging up on the floor 🤣.

Lets start shall we…I did a video but as always it doesn’t work to post those here unless I pay big bucks for more storage. So here are the cards, after the fact.

1.) What archetype is coming up to the surface during the full moon in Capricorn?

Crystal enhancement is Kundalini Citrine, oh my lol. That is an intense pairing! Your getting an abundance boost in wealth and a kundalini activation or enhancement

#58 The Nectar/ Elixer

Ooh! The sweet potent heavenly essence…visit the garden…

Infinite healing power! The golden nectar of immortality

Identify and relish in places, practice, and people that activate healing and rejuvenation in you.


Excerpt “sense the nectar within you, from the crown of the head soothing the brain, let it drip down the spine like sweet honey”

Don’t underestimate this remedy, someone who has activated this substance within, is reflected in thier shimmering eyes ✨.


2.) What liminal spirit is accompanying you on your path until the new moon in Leo?

Crystal enhancement- Scolecite- expect the corvid to connect with you in dreams, journal the messages, treat them kindly

Corvid (crow)

The exceptionally intelligent, observant, opportunist, bringing initiation, protection, death, and messages. They will bring many gifts to those who treat them well, they remember faces.

At your service…true innate kindness bring many blessings

There is a message to tend to your flock…whoever that may be to you.

3.) What sacred geometry is activating under this full moon in Capricorn?

Crystal enhancement- chrysoprase heart, heart center driven and protected, heart chakra opening, upgrading. Higher heart activation.

#10 Authority

This card is asking for you to rise into Authority, where connection with self and source become one. Aware of all aspects of self and centered at the heart. Lead yourself and others with compassion wisdom. Grace and integrity. This kind of authority inspires trust, creation, collaboration and partnership. Activation of the turquoise higher heart or thymus gland chakra. The place where heart and throat merge with loving expression of truth.

Ask yourself these questions

Do I consider myself an authority in certain areas?

Am I kind and wise when guiding other people?

Am I coming from a place of wholeness and balance?

What Capricorn thinks of the negative authority aspects

4.) what is your soul lesson (challenge) this moon cycle?

Crystal enhancement- pink aragonite- stabilizes your energy, patience, serenity, and confidence. Used to connect to higher self.


Remember every person put on your path is teaching you a valuable lesson, each of them has their unique authentic life story. Sometimes you must reverse the coin and feel what it is like in thier shoes to understand their motivations . This brings balance in your connections, it is a godly virtue, and if struck (as shown by goat 👇🏻), you will reap the benifits of insight and compassion!

Balance! 😂 Capricorn has jokes!

that concludes the reading. I hope it was insightful, as well as entertaining. Number of significance are 1, 4, 10, 13, 58

Today on the Schumann 👇🏻, it is a purge wave and rest day as more light comes in, with a possible G1 storm. It is calling for urgent relaxation. If you absolutely have to do something because you feel pent up energy, due to the sun in Leo, take a very sloooowwww walk in nature preferrably after sunset. Sit down outside, light gardening, hammock nap, mix your…elixir, stuff like that. Watch the heat, wear some sunscreen, and drink your dang water, even better add some lemon to it. If you have access to saltwater have an evening dip in it, that will melt the remaining stresses away. Tonight again may be and up all nighter kind of night, so take a nap when you can or tape your eyes shut for bed. Whatever works for you. 🤪 The second part of that is a joke, don’t tape your eyes shut.

I am going to have my other cookie now, golden Oreo Cheescake

Have a great slooowwww day.