🌑 in ♌️ Express yourself
Let go of the need for outside validation, what is hidden (your inner shine) is brought to light, accept yourself as you are

🌑 in ♌️ Express yourself


Happy Friday, a few days early for new moon talk to prepare yourself as I’m sure some of you already feel the energies, but first the August calendar ✨

The Leo new moon is all about developing your expression of self. Standing bravely in your own (self) energy, where the inner glam hiding within will start to shine as the days unfold towards Lions Gate and the full sturgeon moon in Aquarius.

Sun and Moon in Leo is inner and outer fire. It’s a hot one, the hottest energies of the year, before things start to cool back down again. It burns…it transforms, and purifies you into authenticity. Vibrantly standing in your truth without compare, we are expanding and clearing, expanding and clearing, expanding and clearing until we purge all that no longer works for us moving towards the 88(8) portal, which is no ordinary lions gate, because it falls in a cosmic 8yr, which is also a powerhouse angel number of abundance and prosperity. It is already been happening as the portal is open now and the moon energy is upon us too. I’m sure many of you feel differently lately, this is why. Some battles of ego are happening, solar plexus fire roaring, don’t resist growth, time to love ourselves as we are right now in full. Accept others as they are, throw out comparisons, there is room for everyone in this expansion, put that five of wands down now and let it be. It‘s time to move away from those types of energies and breakthrough into authenticity of what you really need your life to be. It is reborn energy of true love of self.

Because there is a lot of fire energy it is very excitable at times, release some of that so you don’t feel so overstimulated. This will make you want to create things. So then get creative now, not necessarily embarking on a brand new creative path just yet, because Mercury is in retrograde, starting 8.5.24 for the next few weeks, so this is still a time to slow down if you can an reflect on how much growth you’ve gone through this year so far. The current energy does feel on edge, something right on the tip of the tongue, like your just about to solve a mystery or a riddle, or something is just about to happen you can quite see yet, because the light is so bright. You may be moving nervously stop pacing the floor and biting your nails! I know I used to do that! 😆 I’m a much calmer person these days.

This is solar plexus energy so do solar plexus chakra things. Stay in love and abundance vibration. Respond positively to everything, because your vibration will be amplified! Your life is always working out for your greatest good. Have a fire, light incense, candles.

Let’s attract abundance now in portal energy….

It is also heart and higher heart chakra balancing. It is becoming lion hearted and courageous.

Here is a fun little video to go with this…enjoy ♌️🌑888✨🐲💫♾️