Integrating upgrades

Integrating upgrades


Welcome to the second post of the day. I don’t know about the rest of you but I have been very sleepy. I‘ve taken every opportunity to nap that I can and it’s been really healing sleep when I actually do it. It’s probably the most healing sleep I’ve had this year. Short deep naps that take like half an hour to full wake from but then I’ve been really alert and focused. I haven’t able to fall asleep earlier in the day as in for the entirety of the night, I’ve been staying up until about 1 am, getting up by 6am then I take a nap either with lunch or a few hours later. I’ve not set an alarm just let myself sleep as long as I need to naturally wake up. Which has been about an hour. It’s ok though I’m in a good place, I am feeling good…calm.

I really should retire that blanket, it has a chewed up corner, I’ve had it since she was a puppy, before she was born, Zita had it first. She still chews on that end when frustrated. I don’t know, it looks rough but she loves it. It is so funny when I catch her chewing on it which she knows she isn’t allowed to do. Her body freezes up all stiff like a gator 🐊 and I take it out of her mouth and she has this fierce toothy look 😂. Then I give her the Nylabone and she’s fine again.

I feel like I should pull a card. Shall I? Ok let’s do it. A starcode for the collective. What do they need to know right now?

Well look at that, Mercury popped out! In the upright even. Good! This is card 20, so 20 and 2 may be significant to the message. Mercury is the mental switchboard of communication helping you navigate life. The ruler of 2 signs Gemini and Virgo. When Mercury is in retrograde (happens 3 times a year for three weeks at a time) slows down time so you can remember, reconnect, review, and reevaluate, among other things, communication may be misunderstood at this time, which can cause plans to backfire and electronic failures etc.

However as we know, right now Mercury is at home in Gemini and the third house of communication so direct communication is easy breezy. Travel, plans, big financial moves, electronics, networks, social media, everything should be relatively clear and free of conflict and confusion from now until August 4th., the next retrograde which is in Leo and Virgo and the 5th house of relationships And sixth house of Health and wellness. Remember even though it’s sword energy this month stay on the positive side as in breakthroughs and let any no answers be in your favor.

The gift message of this card is to: Listen deeply to the messages of your soul- the conduit of spirit- and become the messenger.


I think that does it for my posting today. I will be back tomorrow as usual, have a great day! Shoot me a message 🤣. But not on Messenger I don’t use it, IG or email is good.