Just be
My Audrey Hepburn 🤣

Just be


I spent today doing nothing. Not a thing, it was so weird! And it's Okay. Of course here I am, now doing this, but the day is almost over. I literally just sat here observing my thoughts. I heard that I want to read. Its true! I picked out three books I really wanted to read at the beginning of the year but I never made an effort to buy them.  Now I'm thinking about how I want them, so I'll probably pick one of them and scrape up the fundage. Yesterday I was scrolling through amazon and came across The Last Unicorn, I would love to have it, but I want the hardcover one with the yellow jacket, which is no longer in print now, so people are selling it for over $60 🙄. Probably not! I love it though, the story means so much to me, I can't even explain it in one sitting. There is something it brings out in me that probably sounds super crazy that I'll keep to myself right now.  I did however find an essay by Emalea Dickerson, called 'Transcending the essence of self' on the book for $6 so I might get that one to see what she has to say about it.

The books I mentioned previous on my list are as follows:

1.) 'Solitude' by Micheal Harris. In the pursuits of a singular life in a crowded world. It’s right up my alley, and sounds so interesting to read. I would highly recommend looking it up, if you are someone also looking towards finding solitude, and how to find it when it is getting increasingly harder to find.

2.) The next book is 'Demon in the Machine' how hidden webs of information are solving the mystery of life, by Paul Davies who is a physicist, cosmologist, and astrobiologist at Arizona State. I think it has a broad spectrum of scientific topics discussed and if you know anything about me you I love space talk. I hear its hard to read, less laymen and more tech but I'll give it a try.

3.) Lastly, 'Waking up in 5D, A Practical Guide To multidimensional Tranformation', by Maureen J St Germain. I'm so excited to learn more about the 5D that I'll have to get this one first. It includes exercises during sleep to be practicing so I all in on that.

So that’s what I've been thinking about today, lol. Maybe daydreaming about cuddling into in a cozy spot with a big window to read and not worrying about anything at all.  No pain. Ahh what a fantasy.

Good night all. Sleep well...