Konza Prairie ☀️
Some deer taking advantage of the thaw

Konza Prairie ☀️


Happy selfcare Sunday! Heres some pictures of a nearby park. Not really anything to see but there were some deer. Here are the rest of the photos 👇🏻 and a video.

So that is that, I guess the wild flowers are pretty in spring we shall see. The video was too big to upload here, sorry I’ll throw it on IG.

Currently, I am eating fire noodles! It has been a really long time since I’ve had these. Very good, but not good for me I’m sure, lots of sodium and probably folic acid, but sometimes you have to break your own rules to enjoy living.


I’m about to tend to my feet with a tea tree moisture mask, they will hopefully enjoy that. I now have aloe and cetaphil with avacado oil and b3 & 5. They will be like brand new feet’s later.

So who caught the treat I left out yesterday? 😆 I woke up and immediately shut the posts down right 5am. I’ll post them again at some point. Don’t worry. If you did read it…have a happy self care day do something fun.