Late start
Drank my last celsius today. I love it, but it has 2mg of b6 so I need to cut it out.

Late start


Good evening. I stayed up working on art until 3am so I slept in until 9am. Very unusual but much needed, no naps today. I may actually fall asleep before midnight tonight. That would be different.

Yesterday pretreated mud stains and used my spot bot, then used the rental steamer today. Looks much much better, almost dry now. Great to have that done. Feels cleaner even though there isn’t a lingering product smell. Just fresh.

Clean and fluffy

How interesting are these geometric designs from the planets frequencies.

Speaking of sound I received my only vinyl I’ve purchased this year, (I also have the cd from a few weeks ago.) From Beauty in Chaos…A cool creative group of individuals that keeps expanding and reaching to new collaborators and heights, that consistently makes wonderful music together. Everyone is very nice as well I’m happy to support people who I know make music for the love of it over the profit of it. The love of music shows in the presentation and special extra touches.

I love the extra effort here, this is a very nice idea and shows how much music means to them

I’m happy to have found them, I do love owning tangible music and art. It adds to the overall experience of listening to it. I did grow up loving music this way, alongside with music videos. I’ve always collected it in some form. I’m a visual learner so I appreciate visual arts and lyrics aswell. You can scroll back and see my music post from last year for more of my collections. I used to go to shows and clubs in my younger years. My health limits my abilities to do this at this time. I am still healing physical problems and hope to eventually see people live again. Until then I will continue to support in this way and that way and hope nobody takes offense that I don’t show up physically. It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s that I’ll die, my body shutsdown on me without warning all the time. It’s very frustrating.

You can see more of my collection by going to my home page and finding this picture 👇🏻

I do have much more, like vinyls and cd’s in wall frames, old photos not currently on the wall, maybe I’ll do a follow up one day but not while I live here. I have a lot of music desires as of late and artwork but not much extra money right now to purchase it, I don’t have much space either.

Okay it is after 11pm now so I’m going to end this here. Good night all.