Midweek maintenance

Midweek maintenance


Playing catch up with my body. meditate✔️ massage✔️ lunch✔️ paint nails✔️ O✔️✔️ nap✔️ then outside my body: social media posts✔️ laundry✔️ dishes✔️ dinner (plan)✔️ pet Chimmie 100x✔️ this blog post✔️

Now that I got all that shit out of the way maybe I can create this evening. I’m feeling optimistic and energized 😌. Oh yeah the other two gifts from my mom were the following 👇🏻. Still waiting to put Agnes out she’s big. The dog is in the skeletons lap but he is in a temporary spot at the moment.

Decided I’m going to go ahead and buy a printer, I cannot stand the thought of going to get copies made anymore. Just no. It’s dumb. Especially when you have an idea in the moment and it’s like okay I’ll print that up, oh no wait you gotta go get it printed out somewhere. No! I’ll be much more productive and creative doing that.

Have to get the carpet cleaned in the main space this week, still have move in mud spots from the movers walking on it. There wasn’t any way around that at the time though, it was a blizzard outside. It looks ugly so going to do that tomorrow or Friday. Anybody want to see next weeks Crumbl lineup?

Pumpkin muffin! Yay

I have a few new costumes lined up for photo magic in October, I’m excited. I don’t want to give anything away just yet, only one is an animal…kind of. Another one has an animal as part of the costume idea which I’ll incorporate somehow, not entirely sure yet... The last one, I don't know how to hint without giving it way, I’m most excited about it. I’m going to grab either “oh my goth“ or “looks like you saw a ghost” foundation. Never tried them but I would like to.

I’m about to go for now. This is the time of year I start tuning into my vitamin/supplement health and cutting out and trying new stuff. Feels like it never ends, I still haven’t found my holy grail, but I do have some new info on b6 for all people. Don’t supplement b6 at all not Pyroxidine which we know is 😵, but also P5P! So only get it from food, it is all around too toxic. Causes peripheral neuropathy at 10 mg a day which is easy to overdo if taking it in a pill, and takes about 2 years to clear it out of the body. Isn’t that special! I’m about ready for a whole body transplant at this point. Hurry up science. I’m out for now. Have O great day! 😏

Better save this!