😂😂😂 one of the name test random generator things, thought I was cute



Cicadas are loud tonight, maybe they liked this mornings rain.

They’re very loud! Wonder what they’re singing about…

It‘s just kind of a miscellaneous post tonight, hopefully that is alright.

An old pic with short hair I liked from 2014

Something I have meant to mention but keep forgetting…I can chew food on the right side of my mouth again! I have no pain there anymore. I hadn't been able to since 2018 when I bit into an olive pit, I guess finally the tooth healed for some reason. Pretty exciting 😆.

I know this is all very boring probably I got nothing tonight. I’m working on some stuff right now so yeah sidetracked. I’ll try again tomorrow, although I think I do a pretty good job of keeping updates here…probably too much. Sometimes I give too much of myself, I have a hard time with that.

well, here is a cool video from another new (to me) band I’m enjoying lately.