Archetypes Oracle
Collective reading number 1
Welcome to my first Archetypes reading, I decided to pull five cards today using only this deck because I didn’t want to get confused. This is the first time I used it and I know many people just pull one card to start from to form a story but I decided to go all in and do this spread. It is the kind of spread you can sit with for hours, or days and get more clarity, I may add to it as something dawns on me.
The reading is timeless and so whenever you see it is when you need to. I really enjoyed this reading, it was super deep and fun and in some cases right on for me as a personal reading which was not my intention, but maybe I needed to see it with my own eyes. If it resonates with anyone else I’m happy to help. If not then wait for the next Axis Mundi spread reading, it just might be yours. Will be awhile probably. As I would like to try other spread ideas. Enjoy…
First is my card draw video cut way down and silent, on IG, see it there. Sorry! I forgot how small the file has to be to be uploaded, so I couldn’t post here. The cards gallery is below, and some audio, disregard where I mentioned video, and where I just went dead air a few times 😆 it happens.
When I was shuffling the cards the song, “If you want to get to heaven“ was playing in my head and I laughed. It’s by the Ozark Mountain Daredevils, like where did that come from. 😆 Spirits got the jokes today, and then the cards came out and it got funnier the more I sit with it.
I’m guided to share the song at the end. Check it out.
The title I came up with…
Unmasking the magi to reveal the Emperor’s Dream
If you wanna get to heaven…
The card explainations for the book below.👇🏻
My two cents…summarized quick explanation
“ Don’t hide your magic, let your artistic expression shine into the world that has forgotten you, where have you been holding back your magic? Now you stand at the threshold of your divine dream...become the sovereign leader of your life. You must resurrect the shaman and open the gate, if you wanna get to heaven.”
And as promised the song…I lucked out and found one with lyrics!