My Sunday Oracle
White light for clarity and clearing 

My Sunday Oracle

This message is for me aswell of course and this gives me a reason beyond myself to try out new oracle decks and further my inner journey.

Hey! I'm back today just to explain a little on what my Sunday Oracle on IG is. I'm just spiritually looking to give back to other people, to spread some kind of message of love, hope and a positive perspective to any and all who need it. I use tarot everyday, but only for myself because to be honest tarot can be a slap in the face, where oracle cards are a hug and kiss.  I only want to spread positivity to others in this form, because people can already be feeling down, and Im trying to raise the collective consciousness.  This Sunday message is for me aswell of course, and this gives me a reason beyond just myself to try out new oracle decks and further my inner journey.  I'm doing this regardless of likes,  follows,  etc., it just feels like the right thing.  I don’t do it for money, I dont want others buying me decks, and I don't do personal private readings and don’t plan on it. I'll never reach out to try and give you a reading.  I just wanted to explain that.

Just going to leave a few pictures from today's video reading as an example, and I'm still trying out new things to get it to look and sound how I want it to.  Anyone coming from a search engine, feel free to follow my IG, linked on my homepage.  I try to do it as early as possible in the day so people get to see it as soon as possible. I always meditate first, clear the energy around me, my tools and cards and give the cards a shuffle off camera and then three more shuffles on camera. With that said, if my energy is for some reason is not good, I will not do a reading. I skipped a week when I was sick and exhausted, I also skipped a holiday so I could focus on that.   I am open to, and take consideration for improvement suggestions, but ultimately I'll be deciding what I feel is best for my posts.  Have a great Sunday, remember your SELF care