New 🌑 in ♐️
So whatcha whatcha want? Sagittarius moon helps you get it

New 🌑 in ♐️


Good morning everyone, happy last new moon of the year. What a year it’s been! This is supposed to be my best month of 2023, so I’m trying to find the best in everything. It is also 1212 portal AND Mercury Rx but it is a positive reflection for most. I was intuitively guided to pull six oracle cards today. As always take what resonates and leave the rest as it is a collective reading and it also includes myself. The tarot is personal and I do not show my new moon intentions specifically, rather broadly, hence the blankness of the front page of the writual planner in which was written out after the fact. I wrote notes yesterday but forgot to post so they are also here and I’ll elaborate following the pic gallery. Enjoy! 👇🏻

Light as a feather… affirm.

Some of you may be experiencing stiff hip muscles, this fire moon wants you to move your hips. So get up and dance to stretch your joints or yoga. Embrace your go with the flow state, this will correct your restlessness. ‘Shake your hips’ I heard, Rolling Stones.

This morning I had to clear my throat an obnoxious amount of times.
So I think some of you may also be experiencing purging, try some throat chakra meditations. Purging brings and upgrade, but you may not notice much of a change during Mercury Rx. However, you may experience sudden change when the planet goes direct on 1/1. Be gentle with yourself and others for the next few weeks on miscommunication and misunderstandings. Literally be proactive on protecting your throat, tis the season of colds, flu, etc.

It is important to keep your root chakra balanced as all these beautiful advances in intuition and kundalini happen this month, you’ll be walking on air. The song ‘Walking on air’ and ‘spirit animal’ came to mind Kerli, 🤣 just now.

Your higher heart is breaking open now, which is an unexplainable feeling this has to happen multiple times in life. Look into caring for your Thymus gland and listen to frequency 741HZ, it bridges the voice of reason and the hearts emotions to balance both out. In the Oracle cards we have emphasis on love, miracles, and risk. Remember you are love, which means the feeling of love is part of who you are, it’s yours to keep, nobody takes that away from you. You either choose to feel it or suppress it. The eleventh house card is asking you to strengthen or build friendship up to deepen the love you seek from others. Number 23 (Unconscious) of the Santa Muerte Oracle clarifies that you can indeed trust your intuition at this time, even if it seems to counter reason and rationality. It also clarifies the Risk card from urban crow deck, so go ahead and seize that opportunity now. Remember to identify the difference between ego talk from intuitive talk. Ego is fear based thoughts and intuition is calm knowing. This new moon brings clarity of this And the fog will lift soon if it hasn’t already.

So can you think of 5 miracles you experience on the daily? Spirit wants you to think about it and be grateful.

I LOVE this reading, I hope everyone has a beautiful year end/year beginning. It has been quite a year with a huge shift for me. I hope you will continue the journey with me here as I navigate personal uncharted territories. Multidimensionally of course ;) I have no time for surface level things, thanks for seeing deeper.