🌑 in ♍️
Todays FB memory from 2013

🌑 in ♍️


HellO, happy Labor Day and new moon in Virgo. Can you guess what I’m gonna say? Yep, I’m going to spend one more day on my post and it will be tomorrows 2-fer Tuesday. K! I kind lost track of time. Also had some energetic dreams 😏 in the early hours...

So I did get a printer and ran some test prints, going to make some reverse paintings tomorrow evening. I‘m excited. Today I applied for a Michaels Art Supply credit card, I bought a few things on it in the labor day sale. I’ll just pay it off and keep it as a backup for if I need supplies. I dunno, I guess I was just curious, it has been many years since I applied for any cards. Finally ordered that graveyard gate tray that came out a few years ago! On another note I paid off my phone last month so my phone bill went way down. I love that.

Printed well imo

Today I’m trying this out. It’s okay, tastes a tiny bit medicinal to me but it’s growing on me…


Still in purge cycles the collective and the system, in eclipse season not apocalypse season, lol, or is it the same thing. Hang in there. My left leg is on fucking fire, so hot it’s cold. All the way up to my hip joint, feels like it‘s being twisted off too, not a good time. I did a long massage today (about an hour) fifteen minutes on each calf and then the bottom of my feet. Today was the first time I used on my feet, it was really nice.

This is a bit of a shorter post tonight, I need to go for now. Hope the weekend was enjoyable. Be sure to stop by for Art Dump Tuesday tomorrow 🤗 yay!

Good night