Not done yet
Good afternoon, last night I woke up to a strange feeling in my chest and back at 2:20 am or so. I removed my blanket from my upper body and I started to feel like I was going to sweat and then felt pretty nauseous, this was not a good feeling. I could only breath shallowly because a deep breath felt like it was cracking my ribs. It was scary I never felt like that before, but I remained calm. I sat up and drank about 16 oz of water over five minutes or so. It felt like my heart was pumping so slowly. I realized I was not tired at all which was weird in the circumstances. I sat there wondering if it was the end afterall, maybe I was wrong, maybe I won’t make it another birthday. What should I do right now? I couldn’t think it through. I spoke to my guides, I straight told them I was not done yet. I felt like crying but I hadn’t the energy to tear up. So strange, the sensations in my chest started to normalize and after a few more minutes I lost the fear I had at wake up. I laid back down but was hot so I keep the blanket off and went back to sleep.
I woke up this morning feeling normal for the most part, I must have been slightly dehydrated because water is leaking from my nose and my left eye as I sit up, I can feel my head decongesting. I can take full breaths now and I have no pain in my back. Try to remember to drink 8 oz of water right before you go to sleep it is a heart attack prevention technique. I don’t always remember, but I do always have water beside me, good thing. Forced coughing is also a good thing to try, it will hurt but it will get your heart back on track. Although a sneeze at that moment would’ve felt like it split me in two, lol. I’ve sneezed a lot since waking up.
So I’m going through my regular motions this morning and I’m like…let’s just see what space weather was going on yesterday. We had a G3 and G4 causing not only auroras but color popping bursts! That is remarkable to me that perhaps some of us are so sensitive to the earths vibrations that a storm like that will ripple in and literally pop off inside our bodies as well.
I was thinking about my health resolutions today and last night, and I was like no! not yet! I still have things to do, give me a chance to show you, I have my intentions. So here I am still 😮💨…going to sit in heart chakra for a bit to hear what it has to say. I’m so grateful to be here.
Just came back to say I’ve been fine today, heart feels absolutely normal. No worries. I only took my b12/folate today and skipped ALA and glutathione. Sometimes ALA can drop heart rate low, so it’s not advised to take if you have low blood pressure. I have low blood volume, and pressure is not low normally it’s on the higher side hence the vasolidation pains. I take it first thing in the morning, and everyone’s blood pressure is higher in the morning than evening. I doubt it had anything to do with it because it would have worked its way out of the body by that time. I dunno, here I am trying to rationalize things that happen to me when I’m clearly magical 😂. One weird thing about last night before I went to sleep was I felt empty hungry…but I ate normal at my normal times. So being hungry is unusual at night for me But I didn’t think much of it.
I’m not really tired yet, but I’ve been trying to get to sleep by midnight, so that’s the plan tonight, and I’ll drink some water beforehand and have it on standby.
I hope I didn’t startle anyone reading this today. Thank you for continued connection and supportive thoughts. Tomorrow I’ll share something fun and special. Good night.