Bye November

Bye November


Gooood morning on this the last day of November if you can believe that 😱. I am feeling fantastic, so much to get done, but I will!  I have to cut down my nails today, unfortunately they are not fairing as well at the moment with packing and cleaning, so to get them out of the way I’ll be trimming. They grow so fast, it’s a non issue. Refreshing my hair next week, same problem grows so fast, my roots are showing. Got the place and the movers checked in yesterday, the price was knocked down a little because only one couch is going with, the dates are set now, but I’m not saying any of that until I’m already there. Safety first! 

The tax issue I spoke about in a previous post this month just resolved itself and received the return! Super grateful, see the tarot already told me this the first week of November. There is some truth in it, along with being in, and believing in my own abundance, right when it’s needed.

I am having a taco salad for lunch 🤤, it’s a highlight of my day and I’m already hungry. I have been having one piece of toast for breakfast and Chimmie absolutely has to have a bite, I give her first and last bite and she cries as I eat the rest because in her mind we should go bite for bite, lol. Still eating that Dave’s killer 21 grain bread, I am hooked on it now and prefer it. 

My dream state has been active and nurturing and I couldn’t be more grateful, it is healing my body. I need my body right now. Alright December…tomorrow…