Palmistry: My hands

Palmistry: My hands


Well, here I am awake, so I thought I’d come here and write what I’ve found about the marks I have on my hands. Perhaps maybe you also have a few of these marks and have wondered the meaning. Get a drink and a snack and learn with me. This is a bonus post.

Perfect moon/Full moon (both hands put together)

In palmistry, the full moon symbol formed by joining both hands is often associated with intuition, creativity, and heightened emotional sensitivity. It is believed to indicate a strong connection to the subconscious mind, psychic abilities, and a deep understanding of emotions and spiritual matters.

People with the full moon symbol on both hands may be highly intuitive, imaginative, and empathetic. They may possess a strong sense of intuition and may be able to pick up on subtle energies and emotions in their environment. This symbol is often seen as a positive sign, indicating a person who is in touch with their inner self and who may have a natural talent for creative pursuits or spiritual practices.

The healers mark (both hands crosses)

The Variety of Healer’s Marks

We’ve learned about the various LOCATIONS of the Healer’s Marks, but what are we looking out for? As we are all bioindividual, so too are our Healers marks, of course. Some common shapes you may find hidden clues in:

  • The Spiral: A spiral-shaped Healer's Mark often represents personal growth and transformation. It suggests that you are on a path of self-discovery and positive change.
  • The Star: If your Healer's Mark resembles a star, it could symbolize hope and inspiration. It's a reminder that there's always a glimmer of light and possibility, even in challenging times.
  • The Cross: A cross-shaped mark is often associated with spiritual or religious significance. It may indicate a solid connection to your faith or a need for spiritual healing.
  • The Crescent Moon: This mark is linked to intuition and the ebb and flow of emotions. You should trust your instincts and pay attention to your emotional well-being.
  • The Triangle: A Healer's Mark in a Triangle represents balance and harmony. It signifies that you are in tune with the natural rhythms of life and are striving for equilibrium.
  • The Infinity Symbol: An infinity symbol Healer's Mark is a reminder of the eternal nature of the soul and the limitless possibilities that lie ahead. It encourages you to explore your potential without boundaries.

Remember that the interpretation of Healer’s Marks is highly personal, and their meaning can vary from one individual to another. It all boils down to trusting your intuition and feelings when trying to understand the significance of your mark

Secret cross (both hands)

Some people call the mystic cross a witch cross.

  • Mystic crosses are 2 short, intersecting lines on your palm between your heart and head lines.
  • A mystic cross means you’re highly intuitive, you have psychic abilities, and you’re talented when it comes to the occult.
  • In occult circles, having a mystic cross can mean you’re a born witch. You can celebrate it as a sign that your magickal talents are real.At the same time, you choose your own destiny, so people without a mystic cross can also become witches. Similarly, having a mystic cross doesn’t mean you have to be a witch

You’re spiritual or intuitive

You know you can trust your gut, and your inner voice is strong and true. Chances are, you became aware of your abilities at a young age.

  • You might just know things sometimes. Or, maybe you're a pro at reading people or predicting what they'll do.

Solomon cross 

There are several marks associated with occultism and mysticism but the Ring of Solomon is the most significant in this group.

Subject's in the past that have the Ring of Solomon, who have made attempts to study the science, have become Masters in it or they have an in-depth knowledge of the field of study.

If the Ring of Solomon does not exist on the palm, then there is no problem. If it is present and well marked, then the subject has a strong interest of esoteric and occult sciences.

The people who have this ring have a skill which is used in discerning reality from falsehood in people. This is what is known as psychic skills. Such people are hard to be misled by others. They are not moved by peer pressure at all costs.

The Ring of Solomon is found on the Jupiter finger, it is a clear sign that the subject is in love with the mysteries of life. The line is small and it is semi-circular in shape. It encompasses the mount of Jupiter and then ends near the life line.

The Ring of Solomon has been known as the following ( The Ring of Jupiter, Veragaya Rekha, The Bhrispati Mudrika, The Diksha Rekha. and Guru Mudrika)

The names do not make any difference at all to the interpretation. If you take a closer look at the list of alternative names above, you will notice that some of the names are from the Indian language. Some of the influential thinkers in palmistry sciences were Indian.

Many people who have the Ring of Solomon are capable of carrying out original research which they present in the form of books. They are resourceful to the extent of bringing out a new perspective every time they take a fresh look at an issue related to the occult sciences. Therefore, pursuing this profession is a very good idea if you have the Ring of Solomon on your palm!

In essence this ring shows that the subject has psychic skills, and a superior level of judgment, hence they can be a great judge of character when they meet strangers. If the Ring of Solomon is curved, then, this means that the subject has strong feelings.

This can also signify that the subject will focus on himself in his life. It can show on people who are useful in offering spiritual help because of their deep involvement in matters related to spirituality.

People who have the ring are said to get wealthy purely due to their level of cleverness. This person has a tendency to be mysterious and spiritual in nature. 

M lines (both palms)

What does an "M" on your palm mean?

"When the head line, heart line, life line, and fate line connect, it makes an outline of an ‘M’ and it means you are blessed with good fortune.” It's also a sign of strong intuition and creativity, as well as determination and career growth.

While these are all good things, folks with M palms also face their struggles. "The M can also mean you tend to overthink or multi-task throughout your life and that can be exhausting," But having both palms with an M will suggest great results coming from your efforts.

Alright, that was wee morning hour learning for the weekend, lol. Going to try to sleep now. There is a bone ache in my limbs…