Pizza hunt
😂 where oh where 🐉

Pizza hunt


Good morning, tis the week’s end. I do believe I’m going to have some kind of pizza tonight it may just be a gluten free freschetta from the grocery store. I haven’t found good pizza in town. Seems weird since Manhattan did make this list 👇🏻 and they go hand in hand usually. Not my hand, but, ya know. Look at Wisconsin 😆, too funny.

I’ve lived in two of these places KS & MI…

Even when I did drink I never liked that combination. Speaking of drinking, I haven’t in so long! I think it was blue moon around last labor day. I couldn’t even drink it, immediately started swelling up, so I don’t even really count that. I don’t miss it, I used to do it all the time, for any occasion/excuse for so long. I‘m not boasting I know some people have a very hard time with that as addiction. I guess I just wasn’t ever actually addicted but drank out of…boredom and association. I hardly ever was drunk before I was just too bloated and went to sleep. Then I would be sad for like four days, until I would drink again and become temporarily uplifted then spiral down and cycle would repeat. So glad that’s over.

One thing I wouldn’t mind drinking occasionally though is absinthe, it has some benefits. I have only had it twice in my life. I don’t know how authentic it even was, since there are restrictions in the U.S. or used to be anyways.

Probably should put the cactus out there too.

Decided to put Vera outside the door yesterday for some direct sun, that should be good. I just need to bring her in if it rains, which I think we are in the clear this weekend.

My percussion massager is in its death throes, it only works for about 10 minutes before needing charged again. I need fifteen minutes per leg so this is challenging my patience, lol. It has been really good for a longtime about five years and I use it everyday. So, with that said I purchased a new type of massager that may be better for what I need it for. The big plus is I don't have to hold it, and the time it takes for massaging will be cut in half, just put legs on it and wait for the beep to tell me when 15 minutes is up. Very versatile and not too bulky, I’m looking forward to trying it out this weekend. Looks like this 👇🏻.

I’m off, be back later, as always


Today‘s lunch I put garlic salt on my avacado, who else does that? I just eat it with a spoon. The Dave’s killer 21 bread is delicious but when it’s toasted it is brutally sharp!

Morningstar farms chickless patty (because I like it)

The schumann the past few days, that is a lot of 5D light incoming.
How’s everyone feeling? A bit better probably, hopefully. Help your body through all this with water and rest, I think power naps do a body good more than long overnight sleep, whatever you can get is good. Maybe use some binaural beats to help relax you and go for an hour a few times a day, doing a cleanse or fasting or eating light is good right now to get rid of heavy metal buildup inside your body. It is an alright time to remineralize your body. Especially if eating mostly greens because they get rid of your toxic load but they can also strip your body of minerals. I recommend adding fruit(including coconut), avocados, raw nuts, sea salt, and alkaline water to your days.

Blast off 💥 💥 💥
Blast off 💥 💥 💥

Probably not a big deal.

I read the auroras had some are orange this week; which is an odd color, green comes from oxygen and pink comes from nitrogen.

At space they said, “At first, I thought something was wrong, so I checked this image numerous times. The color orange is really there," he says.

What's so mysterious about orange? Auroras get their colors from specific atoms and molecules in Earth’s atmosphere. For instance, green is due to oxygen, while pink comes from nitrogen. The problem is, there’s nothing in the air capable of making bright orange. 

Theoretically, nitrogen and oxygen (N2, N2+, and O2+) can produce emissions at orange wavelengths. However, these emissions are very weak compared to other competing colors produced by the same molecules. Auroras should not be orange.”

As usual I have been procrastinating on physical things I need to do before people visit me.


I will start to lag on posts here unless I pre set some posts and schedule them to drop on certain days. I’m on the fence with that, what do you want? I may be able to fill in gaps between real time posts so you don’t miss me. You‘ll miss me if I don’t, right? This week has felt strange, like I’m the last person on earth 😅 I’m not am I…

They spelled frequency wrong 😉