whoa…get the coffee



Is anyone struggling? Projecting anger into the world? I apologize for mine the other day here, but it happens, sometimes you need an outlet, it takes strength to not react to projection. It ain’t about you, it’s about the angry person and the anger they refuse to transmute into something better for themself, unless you are the angry one then it is you that has work to do. If someone is mean to you unwarranted don’t be reactive and return to sender or become passive aggressive, change the energy and break the cycle from repeating with no reaction or into something positive.

To be real sometimes the asshole is you, and sometimes it ain’t…

So here…maybe have this beautiful reiki session from one of my favorite practitioners on youtube. It really helps me in those times, and I’m hardly ever angry anymore. My skin is thick, I used to cry at the slightest rude remark from customers or backhanded compliment by peers, those decades are behind me. I’m not saying project fake positivity, but we don’t have to react to every little thing that bothers us, you give away your power in that. Just keep moving. Gravitate towards what makes you happier than what makes you sad, that is really about it. There is a choice, so choose to be happy. I know, easier to say than do sometimes, I know the outside world can be a mess but it is also fake. The real world is the one on the inside, so be on the side of creating a better one and let it flow outward to change what you see. For your own sake, lest be a victim, a never ending victim of the outside world. I think that is all for today, while I also tend to my own energy.

It took many years of working with dog packs and studying wolf packs to understand these things. Pack animals are a great learning tool of patience, gratitude, gentleness, love and support. Those bad wolf depictions type thing are merely entertainment, as we actually are showing the beast of human nature. Human is the beast part of us. Watch the actual dynamic of these animals sometimes.

Wishing you all a beautiful day as always. Disappear when you need to come back when you feel better.

Just a funny I found. Reminds me of my very young work life in retail lands 😂. An example of how not to quit a job, but it is hilarious. I wish I would’ve thought of it first.

🤣🤣🤣 fucking legend

A memory on this day 4 yrs go 🦌

It is 717 portal, keep going, be happy, and also just a reminder of the Mercury pre shadow, embrace it all.