Rebalance & cleanse
Time to wake up…it’s Friday. Holy fucking moly

Rebalance & cleanse


Good morning. Friday, and all is well. I do have to say it is the first time in quite a while I woke up with back pain though. I cannot pin point its exact location but I have percussion massaged it already. Did a chakra balance meditation and an aura cleanse. Now I’ll have to sit with it to see if anything else is needed. in the meantime let’s talk solar storms, Schumann resonance, and preview Saturn Rx.

G4 storm in effect ( my internet is down currently!) using my weak signal phone.

After a long blackout the schumman is spiking again accompanied with some waves to ride. Maybe slight superficial triggers here and there from the outside world, but ride it out don't respond negatively to anything. Take nothing personally right now people say all kinds of stuff but energy doesn‘t lie.

Tomorrow (6.29.24) is Daddy Saturns, wake up call to all the children of the zodiac...for Lessons. That alarm clock rings and voice says get your shit together kids!

Saturn Rx is in Pisces coming in to clear out any gunk you still need to purge, and rip the bandaid off old emotional wounds. It asks you to get real with yourself if you’ve not done that. It requires you to reflect on the foundations of your life and obstacles in the way of your longterm goals. Meditation is necessary at this time, due to being in the mutable sign of Pisces. Saturn is the stern parent of the zodiac but it is with your best interests in mind to create the best life for yourself. Fomo is no go. It can definitely bring up some gloomy vibes. This is where you can counterbalance that with your awareness to keep your vibration high. Saturn effects build over long term transits, not so much coming to knock you off your feet for a day or weekend.

Dates of general importance during this Rx,

8.19th- Jupiter in Gemini squared off against Saturn. This sharpens the lesson your learning into focus.

8.30- Mars in Cancer form harmonious trine with Saturn. Highlights and magnifies desire to take action on what you’ve been meditating on during Rx.

11.4- A sweet sync up between the sun and Scorpio and Saturn, setting the stage for moving closer to your goals.

And a general focus point for each sign: we all need meditation and reflection on our goal foundations

If your sun, moon, rising sign falls around 12 to 19 degrees of a mutable sign you will feel this Rx more than others.


Aries- (Rx in 12 house of spirituality) special focus on patterns, behaviors, and relationships

Taurus-(Rx in 11th house of community) networking the solidness of your platonic bonds.

Gemini- (Rx in 10th house of career) how to best pursue your longterm career goals and push to achieve public recognition for your hard work.

Cancer- (Rx in 9th of higher learning) belief system and personal philosophies. You’re having an eye opening realization that something isn’t resonating with you anymore, and it is ok. Check in with your heart and consider new opportunities to learn and grow, and discover new passions.

Leo- (Rx in 8th house of emotional bonds and joint resources) what brings you comfort and security in relationships. Clarity also to what you need sexually and how to ask for it.

Virgo (Rx in 7th house of partnership) balance and reciprocity. Get clear on intentions in your romantic, platonic and professional bonds.

Libra- (Rx in 6th house of wellness and routine) streamlining and simplifying your day to day routine. Working smarter not harder.

Scorpio (Rx in 5th house of romance and self expression) what brings joy and creativity into your life and how to fulfill it longterm.

Sagittarius- (Rx in 4th of home) where you want to lay down roots

Capricorn- (Rx in 3rd house communication) rework and reassess boundaries in communication as it is currently too strict.

Aquarius- (Rx in 2nd house of resources) money, values, and self worth and the relationship between those aspects of your life.

Pisces- (Rx in 1st house of self) Who you are and how you present yourself to the world and its effects on passion projects and long term goals.

Ok then, 🤣 we shall see

But first time for hot noodles with brussel sprouts! Yes! 😂

I wondered if weird weather would happen from the G4 storm, and Hot Tornado look at that. It got really dark out…

11:00 pm and the tornado watch has passed, I lived, lol, unscathed once more.