Running with the 🐺
Sneak peek at an art subject I’m using in a reverse painting

Running with the 🐺


Good morning! I’m really feeling good today, slept well, my body doesn’t hurt anywhere which is the best part. Oh and coffee! Yesterday I had none and by the time I got some it was too late to make any, would have been up all night which I was trying not to do. I was still up until 1am, lol. I took a week or two off bone broth and I’m drinking it again. I had half a cup last night and am drinking it right now as well. Another factor of being up all night is my overmethylation.

I’m an overmethylator, hypermethylator, aka low folate disorder. I probably need to cut back my b12 dose a hair. It does help keep me awake too long but at the same time makes me feel run down. Like a car with a full tank of gas but all out of oil. How long can you run like this? It sucks. But hey, I’m a creative with manic focus 😂. I look just like that when I paint too! 😆 wait…is she naked under that apron?

I love the extreme pic here 🤣🤣🤣

What is an overmethylater? Someone who‘s methylation system runs too quickly to use all methyl donors/groups just floating around in the bloodstream which causes inflammation which then causes lovely dark physical extremes to occur. I need to get some NAC and glutathione and some nicotinic acid.

Anyways, I thought I’d post a little memory I don’t think I have shared here before. It was the time I went to a wolf sanctuary and had a tour and took some photos. I consider myself a longtime wolf supporter/donator/protector and this was just one way of doing that.

The sanctuary is known as Seacrest, they give tours on the weekend and you can also book a private visit for the weekdays and pro photos are an option for a price. I however didn’t have that kind of money at that time in my life. I just toured in a group and was permitted to bring in a disposable camera, no cellphones allowed had to leave it in the car. The pictures were not that good I admit, but good enough to use to inspire an art project a decade later. Here are some photos I took, and had taken of me by volunteers at the event.

It was early May in Florida at the time and I didn’t really think I needed another shirt layer but… I was frozen! Lol. That is what I most remember, it was so cold especially when the wind blew, and I had no backup shirt or jacket in the car. I was tempted to just buy a sweatshirt in the gift shop but I really couldn’t afford it. It was already a costly activity just to be there. I was warned the wolves were molting their coat so they wouldn’t be as “pretty and lively” as they are in fall. Lol.

This is actually three photos I merged into one! Nice huh
Four photos merged
Blurred other peoples faces for their privacy
❤️ here is the wolf in the feature photo

Sitting amongst them in the woods was something my soul longed to experience. So glad to have made it. I imagine a private tour would have been next level magical without all those people around. Another time and place if I ever get mobile enough.

That is all for today. Here is a funny I found.


Yesterday’s FB memory,