Good morning. Tomorrow for self care Sunday I will create that b6 toxicity post. Everyone needs to know they have to be cautious when it comes to the vitamin in supplements, Rx, prepackaged food, energy drinks, protein powders etc. I spent most of yesterday deeeep into YouTube videos about it, but I am going to take a break from that today. The sun in Scorpio had me investigating but Taurus moon says relax for today 😮💨, lol.
I’ve decided I’m going to have some cake on November 19th for Pluto’s retirement party from Capricorn. It is also the day before my mom’s birthday 🦂 so…it is for her too. So ready for this!
Maybe I should eat on camera just like that! Not a chance. Seriously though, cardinals, let’s have a virtual collective cake day. It’s our time. I cannot wait to show some new art showing my…evolution
For those out there drained by people surrounding them. Not all people do that.
I have so much love for my soul tribers! You know who you are, and a few of mine are anti social media so they won’t see this but they also know. 🙏🏻 for being here on the inside.
I’m about to lunch, I’ll be back.
Linner today 👇🏻
I know I’ve been away, but I wanted to come back and say my feet have a lot of movement today. I’ll talk more about it tomorrow though. It’s a nice feeling I hope it continues. They are usually on fire this time at night. Maybe sleep will be more comfortable too. Good night.