August recap
The dog days of summer are almost over

August recap


So it is midnight. I thought I’d start this post and continue it when I wake up. I’ll just write for a bit and publish for the bored few that are awake still, just come back later for more, if you want more, lol. I am on the cusp of sleepy but not enough to try yet. What I really want to mention is how flexible my feet and ankles are tonight. I usually can’t bend them at all by this time of day then I need to sleep it off. They don’t feel hot tonight either which usually they are. Hmm. I’ll take it!

It is time for the monthly recap. A summary! I’ll try to keep it quick. Started off a doozy, lots of pain, lack of sleep, bizarre dreams, an emotional lash out for the arts. We had triple 888 portal and light Bursts, firewalks, ego death, x flares, a few geomagnetic storms, auroras in the south! Insightful oracle readings, cluster fuck headaches, triple digit heat, sacral buzzing, a super blue moon, a shit ton of new music emergence, a tanked Crow movie, a dead plant, marshmallow sky ice cream. I got a new chair, Irving, grounding mat, Halloween gifts, Mercury goes direct, relatives visited.

It just works deodorant, I haven’t finished the bottle yet (3 weeks in), but yeah it works really well. Takes about a week, good to go, no smell. Uh…green poop, don’t be alarmed 😂! I will repurchase if I have the money for it. It beats toxic deodorant. This afternoon I will figure out vitamins, what I need what I don’t and any other health purchases.

Okay good night it is 1am now, time to dream 😴. Be back soon!


Todays fb memory

The first time I tried to shape my nails ever wearing Zoya’s Michelle & Imogen

Hello again, I’ve just been picking out some stuff I need this month. I’m getting a printer today or tomorrow how exciting! lol. Ready to reorder my main vitamin called b-methlylated II which takes me into next year before I need to buy it again. Hell yeah! I also need magnesium but I get that locally. That B it, I’ll repurchase ‘It just works’ when I run out, they ship really quick. Also, I’m getting 2 pillows this month to train me to sleep on my back instead of side hopefully it works, I need my feet up!

I got 2 sandwich halves at McAlister’s to try something new. I forgot to take a photo of the spicy turkey half but below is the veggie. Both good, I would get a whole spicy turkey sandwich in the future. The veggie is a little boring with the herbed mayo it comes with, it needs something tangy or zingy. I would try it again, but with a honey mustard or something pickled on it.

McAlisters deli veggie sandwich

My first art dump Tuesday is this week!! I’m excited to just get posting for hopefully consecutive weeks, I have much to show. Tomorrow I’ll post my Angelshift: the Stargate post, you may see new art in the feature picture :) I haven’t decided yet but leaning towards a certain piece. September will be a good art month too. Then October, will I be able to focus and have the energy I need to finish costumes and photos? Will the month of dreamwork be as wild as last year?
I guess we will see.

On that note I’ll say I will occasionally make a member’s only post public. I will give hints when I do. Also some previously public posts will start to have some cutoff points where you will have to be a member to view the whole thing, it’s free. I just learned how to do that 😆, so I’ll be doing that to some of them. I enjoy this blog space, and blogger sounds so cool, however I may not keep it another year, as I get more physical tangible art together I might upscale my online presence. So get your fill, there is almost 700 entries, it might all just disappear one day…without warning.



Hey all, lol. I’m back again real quick to say the Schumann is real wacky today. I have been very limited in movement and when I stretch my arms it is really intense relief like I just woke up…only I’ve been up. I could barely get food to my mouth my arms were like nah. I had to change my shirt because I spilled stuff down my other one. I had to bust out laughing like what is happening now? So how is everyone else feeling? About and hour ago I felt extremely heavy like concrete, everywhere. I was like WTH! So I plugged in my grounding mat and listened to this frequency aligning earth star to soul star chakras, I was completely fine after listening about 20 mins. Now I’m listening to another one I’ll link below incase anyone feels ’off’. YOU GUYS, get a grounding mat or sheets for your bed. It works. Continue grounding overnight, this is some painful purging, hurts all over. Much ❤️

Connect the three and then go here 👇🏻

This combination feels really nice in the body but you probably can’t sleep to it

Here’s a grounding overnight one I love sleeping to, and will use tonight as well. Turn off all the sleep disrupting lights in your room while sleeping, wear an eye mask, or pull the covers over your head. I hope the purge spikes subside tomorrow. 😮‍💨