


Good morning. Last night and so far today I have very low inflammation, feels good so far. I’m going to take a midday nap with my pillows in bed. Then get up and paint, if I can I’ll take video/pictures. This kind of art takes both hands more of the time so, we shall see.

Going to have Qdoba for dinner. Excited! I have said I’m excited a lot lately. 🤣 But I am. Dying my hair tomorrow. I got the stuff, so it will finally be done. Dying hair a dark color is so much easier than lighter, that process was always a pain. I think I might cut some length as well, if not tomorrow then soon. My hair clips having a hard time holding it in a bun and it strains my neck.

Finalizing look one for Halloween right now, waiting for my final touch which is a necklace I found today to tie it together. Now seeing what I need for look two. Oh it’s so fun! This one was a….creature of sorts, a hell creature. Next up it’s opposite. Then if I can afford a third I will…I already planned to do it, which has an animal.

“I am transcending my limitations” ode to last years costume…


Oops! Forgot to hit send to post this! lol. Anyways here it is, I’ll be back later…


Well, I wrote two paragraphs and the website deleted it, so I guess I’m just calling it a night. lol. Hope everyone has a good night. Back for self care tomorrow.