Saturday storytime
Learning to flyā€¦

Saturday storytime


wow, my 444th post šŸ˜±! Not gonna lie, not a very restful night of sleep last night. Oā€™well time to get up and seize the day, like this baby bird, lol.

How about those northern lights coming down so low. I didnā€™t even know it was visible in Kansas until after the fact. Even people I know in Florida were getting pictures! It will probably happen for the next few nights as the solar storm waves come through. Iā€™m so itchy and yes irritable, I feel like Iā€™m just turning to ashes, it is a bizarre feeling to describe, turn me Crystalline already Universe! Lol. Iā€™m trying real hard though to not be irritable, going through some meditations now. While I gather my thoughts of how the day goes. Check back tonight for my audio good night message on this post. Iā€™m trying to find new fun ways of communicating. I suppose I could start talking throughout posts more. Itā€™s kind of fun.

Now, audio and visual at the same timeā€¦like a video of me? Whoa that will take me some time. šŸ˜†. Maybe I can come on first animated then boom, Iā€˜m there just me talking. Ahh šŸ˜±. Why am I like this? Everyone does this now why is it so hard for me. If I take it back to when I was young I liked the camera and video camera around family, but I knew everybody. Then public speaking at school was the most terrifying thing, Iā€™d almost rather die. Almost. But doing something like show and tell in class with animals was fine. Singing infront of an audience in Choir not at all a problem, karaoke at a bar, Iā€™d again almost rather die. Almost. What is the difference there? Meeting with someone online one on one, okay I still hate it. Zoom meeting full of people I donā€™t know, Iā€™d rather die. Yet Iā€™d rather talk to someone face to face in person, than try to explain just about anything over the phone. Texting is fineā€¦itā€™s funny sometimes. I kept this text I had with a friend a week or two ago. šŸ‘‡šŸ» Iā€™m the blueā€¦I whited out sensitive location info.

Storytime urge:

I LOVE ferrets. I had one growing up, a silver one, I named him Oscarā€¦Meyer, lol. I would sing him the hot dog song as I rubbed his little cheeks causing him to yawn and put him in a trance like state, it was so cute. He was my pet specifically, lived in my bedroom, and I had him through most of my life at my parents house. I was 7 when I got him and he lived to be 9 yrs old. I mentioned my orange cat Glorifindle (I didnā€™t name him) in a previous post. He did not like Oscar, neither did our dog Scruffy. He would bite other pets on their ears so I had to watch him hard, once he got an ear in his mouth it was really hard to get him to let go. He wasnā€™t ā€˜meanā€™ ferrets just play rough with each other, he never bit me. If I didnā€™t have a dog a ferret would be my pet of choice. Let me see if I have a photo of usā€¦I do!

Awe šŸ˜†

As I said Iā€™ll be back tonight for goodnight. For now I must join the living for a few hours. Boringā€¦
