Saturday ramble
Rewire in retroshade…

Saturday ramble

One side of my body is warm, and the other not so much…okay right side get with it.

Thermal polish fun

Good morning! Lunch is an interesting hodgepodge of leftover takeout from the week. I have fries from fish day, a biscuit and coleslaw, a couple wings, and raw broccoli, cauliflower, celery and carrot with ranch dip. For dinner I am making atomic spaghetti. What is that? Well, it is when you have spaghetti supplies and a side of atomic sauce from Wingstop in the fridge. 😆. I just dump it into the sauce and bam it‘s atomic spaghetti 🔥. It’s actually really good. But I am not a normal person, pretty much eat fire so it doesn’t phase me, and I’m pretty shocked anything survives in my gut be it good or bad bacteria. It’s nuclear war up in there. It’s fine it is alkaline actually after it passes through the mouth 😆. I also have a few bites of my sugar shark cookie still, I have realized the cookies that have that icing layer I just can’t eat at a whole one at a time makes me sick. The cookies without icing are actually the best I think.

So I’ll be ready to make better choices this week incoming. Try and fit in more electric foods to help clear out inflammation. I feel I’m holding on to more heat lately because my swelling is up and my mobility is down. See when a limb is suffering inflammation it moves beyond pain and discomfort into paralysis. I broke down and ordered a grounding mat to put under my legs while I have them up. It should help with lymph draining. It should also ground me while I sleep no matter what I listen to overnight and passively during the day while I’m awake too. Chimmie will also benefit from grounding as she sleeps between my feet on the ottoman during the day. I have some pet steps coming for her (today actually) to get on the sofa by herself. She asks to be picked up instead of jumping up so I think her knees might hurt and not just lazy. 😞 She’s too heavy to pick up all the time, I really need to cut her meals down. She has a set of steps for my ottoman so she already knows how to use them thank god.

I purchased a new incense burner I spoke about the other day. Also a few new bee bops and crystals, stickers, and temp tattoos for my oracle readings. I’ll show and tell when the order arrives it is really small. I put all my card decks together in a fabric tote box I used to use to hold my hairdryer other heat tools which now reside in my bathroom instead. It’s nice to have all the decks together, and it frees up a space in my drawers for my journal and notebook now.

I’m in a wonderful mood the vibe is high, I have the blinds open which helps cheer up the place. I rise above physical pain into other dimensions ✨ now…

I shall return in a bit


I’m sorry I forgot to come back, I got lost in music and another post I’ve not published yet. I have been going back and forth about if I’m making it public. I think I will, it is to help the collective. It may be the last time I ever speak of it though because I'm talking in circles. I’m not sure when I’ll post it. I feel collective pain right now, but I realize it, and I’m transmuting pain into words of love and hope. I promise you’ll be okay, look at everything you’ve lived through already. So much love to you all. I just bought a bee bop that says ‘spiritual badass’ it so cute. That’s what you all are too in my collective.

Always just sleep on it, tomorrow will be a new day to start whatever you need to. Actually, tomorrow is self care Sunday. So treat yourself well, get out in nature, breathe…tonight or tomorrow maybe listen to this video below to help fall asleep, to be comfortably whole with yourself. Try to stay in this frequency as much as possible or higher as we ascend further along into the 88 portal, you cannot stop from proceeding but you can acknowledge that it is happening and aid your vessel with it’s physical requirements. It is this hyper awareness of self that comes to the surface the further we head into the higher dimensional ways of being. The more we focus on the wounds the more it hurts or the more it pleasures, decide how you want it to feel and feel it completely. The point is to feel everything now. The only way out is through, you got rip open those scars to release the pain into the fire. This is figuratively do not go harming your body.

You may feel like you are burning alive with each passing day, but have you not realized yet you cannot burn a fire and a fire you are, you are on a soul journey. Your flame is eternal, you are protected, you are a self healer, it’s time to let all not serving you to burn away in the flames one more time. What is meant for you will not pass you by, if it does, it wasn’t meant for you yet, or if it leaves and was meant for you it will come back that is the way it is. You can’t mess up what is meant for you, there is not right or wrong path, there is only your path, so you have to not be so afraid of making a mistake. I love that you are still here with me, let’s keep helping each other get through the next days. Thank you ❤️

Something in last years journal, to stay…
