Saturday 🌞
Flashback a close up clip from an animation I made in Feb 2024 👑

Saturday 🌞

Good afternoon! Let’s clear the junk out of the brain immediately shall we and protect our lovely auras. Just takes a second!

Beautiful! That is so much better everyone is glowing up now 😂. I checked mine and it is green-teal, er the teal side of green…turquoise? I do believe that is serenity, and the 9th dimensional layer above the atmosphere. I better stay grounded or I’ll float away 🎈. What is happening in your worlds? I got obsessed this morning and played online solitaire for two hours 😐. I’m not a gambler and I’m not very good at it but it is fun in some way, I don’t put any money into it I do have $3.40 I made since I started playing a few weeks ago. So that is out of my system atleast for the day. It is a little meaningless fun but I feel like it sharpens my attention to detail in other things. A brain game to stay young.

It is a very physically slow day/weekend (purposely) for me because there is quite a few things happening this month. Monday I get this chair I’m so excited! I have to put it together though. It will make such a difference in my day to day life. That will trickle into my longterm betterment or atleast that is the intention. One thing at a time to get me physically where I’m headed.

I never made it to a new moon or full moon ritual they hold at White Sands Natl. Monument right outside of Las Cruces, NM . Always wanted to it looks so fun. If anyone tuning in here ever gets the chance, do it. You take a blanket and or chair up on the dunes at sunset, I think dogs are allowed too, not sure. There is music, candles and I think a ritual of some sort. The sand is just beautiful there, it is a wonderful photo opportunity too and stargazing, crystal clear skies most of the time.

I have been having many visions since I saw a photo yesterday of a dog laying down surrounded by singing bowls with a line of palmstones down its body and was peacefully sleeping. The caption said something like, “have you ever put crystals on your dog? “ First I’ll say I always show Chim my new crystals and she likes to go up to the altar and lick ones she can reach. It makes me smile because I can see that slow high vibe type of life for me. It’s all I want, to create, to make my surroundings beautiful, and the ones in my life be comfortable and happy. It makes me want to share a previous post. About a sanctuary/wellness room.

Here is an excerpt from last years post titled ‘Sanctuary’ on 8.6.23

“How are you self-caring today? We all should be our own proactive continuum of care, instead of these parasitic institutions we worship. That is just my opinion though I could be totally wrong. Creating a sanctuary inside ourselves first and foremost is paramount, and then if your lucky,  the ability to create a tangible soothing place to hangout in to recharge your batteries in your living space is really something to strive for. If you could create a wellness room, of limitless idea options except it is only one room, what would your sanctuary look like, feel like, sound like? What would you do there to balance your mind, body and soul? Would you let anyone join you, or keep it a secret? That would be a cool journal entry idea. Deeper thoughts, but healthy ones, daydreams are not only escapism.”

So that is something to think about, I’m also starting to see into next year a little bit. It should be much easier than this year has been for me.

Well, I’ll leave it there for now. Have a wonderful weekend.