Self+care Sunday

Self+care Sunday


Art therapy for a hellish Saturday full moon hangover (no I don’t mean drinking, lol). I had a cluster headache. Not fun. I tried different things but ultimately I had to just wait it out, eventually it went away. I think I’m doing okay despite my bummer of a post yesterday and not really posting on socials. I just needed away. I’m not always cheerful, I am somewhat human, thought I’d share a piece of my flawed past. I’ll probably feel a bit better after some rest. It is 11:30pm Saturday as I write this I figured I’d just get a head start tonight and post it at midnight or whenever I finish. I cried twice which was necessary to cleanse my energy. Should be good now 🤞🏻. I have a sense of humor back, that is a sign of healing.

My cluster headaches usually happen when family things arise. My dad’s dog died, that is one reason for my energy today. He was pretty old but he went peacefully in his sleep. Still sad, I know it always hard loosing pets, the dog went everywhere with him. He is having him cremated. I hope my he gets through it as it’s the week he lost his mom last year too.

I had this for lunch, veggie on wheat add onions and peppers, and this pasta pesto salad. Pretty good. Last night‘s raspberry cheesecake ice cream (Ben and Jerry’s) was the best ice cream I have ever had, I think I moaned 😳.

I actually had coffee when I woke up and immediately had my daily Celsius drink. Didn’t get me jittery it was just enough fuel to keep me from going back to sleep. The frequency I listened to last night gave me a nightmare type feeling, when I woke up but I don’t remember any dreams. Bizarre.

Anyways, so yeah how are we doing other than that? well it’s the last day of ovulating thank god. It does add to the crazy. Saw a funny meme about it. 🤣 ewe. It has been a super hot humid few days.

When I wake up this morning I’ll be meditating and tending to my throbbing fucking legs. They are pounding.

I need a cloud…to lay on a dense fluffy cloud. Lol. I used to say I wish I had a giant monster that could pick me up and suck my entire foot. Is it just me? Or is this something other people wish for? I have really odd thoughts, but mostly hilarious. Okay good night I’m getting out of hand. Admit it though it would be cool, the foot suck 😂. That could be my next doodle.


8:40am good morning once more...A memory from 2020.

Solar flare incoming
It’s coming in again 😱

Revived! Reminder to keep open to recieve the lightcodes. I’m becoming more clear on the multiverse time matrix where I was confused before or that idea was foggy. I got it! I’m not sure if I’m to share that. But I’m going to start writing what I’m getting and maybe I’ll share here if I feel guided to. If it feels off then I have to hold it.


Well I tried video…conversion light blasted it 😂 go figure. Looks cool though

There’s my sign not to share today.

5:25m Divine fems are you drinking water?! It’s suggested.