Self-care Sunday
Child of the 🌽…😂

Self-care Sunday


Good morning. Did I sleep, well, not well but yes I stayed in despite the urge to roll around on the Earth and stare at the moon. I look forward to the not so hot days of September, it is going to be 104 on Tuesday. Omg! I hope it’s not also humid. Thank god for AC, can you imagine dealing with that kind of heat without it? That takes me back to the 80’s when no one had it yet, where you opened the refrigerator and stood there until it beeped.

So what does your self care entail today? I need to shave my legs, I have put it off for a week. I plucked a hair on the side of my leg that I had obviously missed multiple times because it was two inches long 😂.
One pair of my knee high socks has a hole at the ankle so I need replacements already.

I hope everything is well, and that my post yesterday was helpful. Sometimes I just feel guided to talk others through fear. It is time to feel abundant now. If you’re struggling with that then try thinking about something you already have and be grateful. Because actually we all have everything we need already within us. Just open yourself up to recieve. What are you experiencing right now? I just started rubbing my hands together and recognized how warm and soft they are and now they are pleasantly tingly responding to my good thoughts. Try focusing on mundane thing of the moment as away to access that gratitude frequency.

I’ll be back in a bit, my stomach is growling, I must feed it. In the meantime listen to this healing frequency, it feels really good!

Let’s go home 🙂

💡 Blast incoming

Well whatever it’s been intense. Tonight I fantasize about sleeping on that fluffy cloud I’ve talked about before, weightless and comfortable, if that could happen for just one night. My feet are completely numb, such a strange feeling but one I‘m getting used to. Maybe the grounding mat will help bring them back to life, looking forward to its arrival and my incense. Chimmie is using her new stairs just fine, I’m so glad.

I think I’m calling it a night. Going to try and sleep before midnight, with that blast though it might be tough. Good night, I hope you have good sleep and are comfortable. 😴