Self care Sunday,
Give yourself pleasure, be revolutionary

Self care Sunday,


New moon care is to be taken at this time now. How are we feeling? How will you bring yourself pleasure today? It doesn’t have to be sexually, of course nothing wrong with that, I know that is the first thought that comes to mind when hearing that sentence, or maybe it’s just where my brain goes, 😂, I dunno. Do what you like, could be anything, and do it because you like it, not just following the crowd or to please someone else.

Tropical storm Debbie is reaching landfall today possibly intensifying into cat 1. Hold on Florida! Man it is hitting right in the panhandle as per usual. Near Tallahasse, where I lived a very longtime, it was a place that felt more like home than my actual hometown in Ohio. In new the area better than anywhere I have ever lived. The landscape it is just not equipped to handle storms of that caliber. The power was always taken out so easily when I lived there. Lots of beautiful canopy roads with live oaks, that comes with a price! Hopefully they fair well, and that goes to the rest of the places on the hit. I don’t miss that part of living in Florida. Here‘s a few pictures from Hurricane Irma of 2017, the back porch almost flooded! This is the front of the house.

Also…Here is today’s space weather.

I just ate lunch

Chimmie is chillin’, we’re also throwing some Mississippi Chicken in the crockpot for tonight’s dinner with a side of green beans and mashed potatoes. It’s really easy and cheap and tasty, with leftovers for a few days.

Sundays are my favorite days

Today let’s rebalance our redox state in the body…for selfcare

Here’s a fb memory from todays of the past.

I love me a fainting goat!! :)
😆 awe 🫢