Self care Sunday
Gobble gobble

Self care Sunday


Late start here I must confess. What is happening? Just finished lunch. Drinking an Arctic (sparkling berry) Celsius today, kind of a treat because it’s a flavor excluded from any 12 pack I don’t usually have, but it is very similar to Astro (blue raspberry). Walmart is out of the 12 packs. All the people are suddenly back in town this weekend, getting ready for the school semester. Buying up everything and congesting the roads again, more crowded then spring semester was so far. I’ve heard football season is the worst, and all streets are under construction too, so that’s the icing on the crap cake.

Kind of a chill day, I might get into some paint tonight. Well, not actually in it 😉, but yeah, stamping. My temp tattoos are still on. I would love more real tattoos but I don’t know if that would be too toxic for my system since I already have toxic load issues and skin healing problems. If I do get any more in the future I know what I’d get already and where. Wrists and inner elbow…cracks. 🤣 or whatever you call that spot right below the inner elbow crease. During the lockdown I almost considered doing my own tattoos on my body, but I just electro zapped my moles and freckles off instead…remember I tried to remove the mole on my face. It was a lost cause, popped right back up. O‘well, I like the mole actually, I was just bored, so bodymod is the thing to get into right?! I designed the zodiac tattoo on my back kind of, I used a basic Capricorn and Scorpio design I liked and bought the rights then I put them together on paper and then the tribal is my own design and I just drew in the Sun, Moon, Saturn, Pluto symbols. Why the tattoo? I had a dream of it. So I woke up and drew two circles and the tribal then went hunting for the main focal points found them, bought them and put them where the circles were and picked the colors, put in the symbols and went to put it on my body quite spontaneously. Lol. I did have to make and appointment and go back another day but that is spontaneous for me. I do prefer the delicate looking line work these days. It would be cool to cover my body in lightcode designs, lol. I really like getting pierced as well, again skin healing issues. I love the Medusa and the Labret piercing separate and together as a Cyber piercing. However I don’t like that they could wear and tear my tooth enamel. Love the look though. So…I guess I’ll just stick to drawing on myself with a tattoo marker and glue on rhinestones to my face when the urge strikes.

How’s the legs today? Well, they are on fire. See.

Well that was a ramble! lol. Anyways, my sculpture arrives tomorrow 😱. His name?…find out in the unboxing. Typically gargoyles don’t have names but…mine will. lol. I can’t help it, I name everything…😂.

Todays FB memory…oh yeah I remember that! Blue sky gray’d up quick.


It’s midnight…winding down for bed. Why not a random music video blast from the past. I love this song and video, but my favorite song of theirs is “by my side.” I guess the gloomy sky made it pop into my head with gargoyle talk. The architecture and overall mood…INXS is a favorite 80’s band of mine. I miss Michael he was too precious for this world it took it’s toll on him. Wonder how many great songs we missed out on with his departure.

well goodnight let’s go to…sleep for a few hours or atleast lay down, beauty rest 😌
Got to call in my spirit team to turn over all duties to them, do they tire of helping me, lol.