Grl club no cheese
🥵 the Manhattan of Kansas…

Grl club no cheese


Good afternoon. It’s so hot today, but it should be cooling off by the weeks end hopefully, I saw low 80’s and 70’s. Yes please 🙏🏻.

I was on 23&me today because had new relatives join and I noticed my report had two new narrowed down regions which I thought was interesting so I thought I’d share here. I like learning about this kind of stuff.

Here is an old FB memory from 11 yrs ago, it is when I looked at Looking back at what I wrote it has some interesting use of words…but yeah I’m kinda of done chasing anything in life, what is for me to know will just happen in time, until then it’s none of my business.

Anyways, this is a funny meme to me. As I currently live in Cassandra’s hometown. Did anyone know that? Not that she still lives here now, probably not. The only question I have for her is where is the good pizza in this town?

I feel that way too sometimes but I’d change horror to comedy because I’d rather laugh then scream.

Speaking of funny and horror I ordered a chicken sandwhich yesterday or was it the day before? They all run together, and this was the printer sticker pretty sure it is 1187 though, and grl I guess is grilled.

At first glance I thought it said: “Special 187 drive thru”, and I got a “girl club no cheese” 😆 ah what!?

Well that’s all I got really. Low energy in the heat, the air is on but it has a hard time cooling in the triple digits. Going to relax for the evening. Have a great rest of the day.

72 hrs left of Mercury Retrograde…